Chapter 39

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Makena hadn't accepted help, but she wasn't completely denying the offer.

Pip tried to give her breakfast. Makena wouldn't eat. Krey tried to get her to talk. She wouldn't. When Viktor's mate arrived, she ordered for everyone to get out of the room, even Krey, who was stubborn, and Pip had to yank him with both hands on Krey's wrist to get him into the corridor.

"Let her speak to someone who knows exactly what she's going through," Pip said, guiding Krey towards the large gardens that went on forever. Unlike Crescent Packhouse, Sea Claw Packhouse had trees in the grounds, ponds, flowers, and hidden benches. They were an old pack and training days were mostly behind them.

Since the Southern Alpha killed Viktor, they cleared out a space in the garden's to train. Everyone feared what was yet to come. Trust in packs were broken and had to be mended. The Southern Alpha relied on the lack of pack stability, but the Alpha hadn't thought that Jordan would die.

Still, their silence was eerie. Pip often wondered what he was planning.

Krey and Pip sat together on a bench. Pip swung his legs and Krey twisted his fingers anxiously. "How are you feeling?" Pip asked when Krey looked away from him.

Krey shrugged and inhaled the cold morning air.

"Do you want to cry?" Pip asked.

"I've cried too much recently."

"But do you want to cry?"

Krey shifted awkwardly. "Yes."

"Then cry." Krey still didn't look at Pip, so he softly cupped Krey's face and turned him around. Krey was trying his best to hold in tears. He never cried, and these days, he couldn't seem to stop. "There's no shame in it," Pip whispered. "You've had a very stressful night."

"But it's fine now." Krey wilfully sucked his tears in. "So why do I still feel like this?"

"It's not fine. None of this is normal." Pip sank into Krey's side. "This is the first time we've been out of the Crescent area for almost two years. The pack have dedicated all their time to getting stronger and staying out of the way, when we should be redirecting that energy now."

"To where?" Krey blinked until his eyes stopped stinging.

"To finding the Southern Alpha. I want our lives back. I want to roam the woods with you and go back to Crescent Hill in the middle of a blizzard, and visit Crescent Library, and go camping, and visit other Packhouses. I want all of it, and I don't want to wait another two more years."

Krey slipped an arm around Pip's shoulders. "I want it all too, but how do we find the Southern Alpha?"

"We question the Rogues. They've obviously got something to do with him. Or if you don't want to do that, then at least put big fences around the territory boarders to keep them out. If the Rogues have nowhere to run, they'll all get together and I bet that'll lead you to the Southern Alpha."

Krey was silent for a moment, staring at Pip with his thoughtful frown that most would mistake for anger. "You've been thinking about this a lot, haven't you?"

"I have. I'm ready for this stupid war between the North and South to stop. It's pointless. If all werewolf packs united to find him, we would in a matter of months, then all of this will be over at least for long enough for us to live." Pip felt rather heated by the subject. He cared a lot about Makena and didn't want to see any more of his friends die.

Krey rubbed his chin, frowning deeper. His eyes zoned into the distance. Pip's words had created a plan of action. "I like that we should section off our territories, but human authorities would never allow it because humans technically have all of that land too. They're free to roam anywhere they want in the woods."

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