Chapter 29

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Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for your continued support! You guys are epic and I really appreciate you!

- Sian

Pip lounged on the bed while Krey sat by his desk, staring at a blank piece of paper. The constant clicking of his pen started to grind on Pip. He looked up from a book that he was finally able to read. Being near Krey gave him his concentration back, but not when Krey was huffing and being loud in small irritating ways.

"What's up with you?" Pip asked. Things between them were still very awkward, but at least they were able to speak and be in the same room. Nobody had yet disturbed them, and the boys were thankful, not wanting to be asked if their relationship was patched up because they wouldn't know how to answer.

"I'm trying to draft an apology to the pack. I don't want to sound blunt, but now I realise that's impossible," Krey mumbled, resting his chin on his palm and staring at Pip with a tilted head. He wanted to bury his head into Pip's chest and feel his soft fingers in his hair.

"I can help if you want?" Pip rested his book on his chest, pretending the weight was Krey.

"I feel like I should write this on my own."

"You know why you're sorry, but you've always been bad at communication. I can help you if you let me." Pip sat up and dared to tap the space next to him on the bed. Usually, he'd sit on Krey's knee at the desk, but that was a little too much right now.

Krey was reluctant to move. "Shouldn't this come from me-"

"Just sit over here." Pip's voice was a tone that accepted no buts or ifs.

Krey did as he was told and clambered on the bed, throwing down the notepad and pen. He sat cross-legged, and left space between himself and Pip, longing for the day where he could sit so close, he might as well sit on top of him.

"So..." Pip looked quizzically at the blank paper. "You sat there for almost an hour and wrote nothing?"

"I'm really stuck."

Pip stole a glance at Krey's doomed expression. Krey had been different. He was less intense, less snappy, and more attentive. Pip had seen him that way a few times, but Krey would always retreat to his angry side. Is this the real Krey? "Are you making points for the apology, or a speech?"

"Points would be good. Francis gave me some, but I left them in the office."

"Well... starting off by saying that you're really sorry would be a good start."

Krey wrote that down, and Pip pursed his lips to stop a snort at how he hadn't thought of that himself. "And then think about why you're apologising. What's the main thing here?"

"That I'm a shit Alpha?"

"...I wouldn't put it like that."

"But it's true, and I need to tell the wolves that I acknowledge that without sounding like I want pity, or sounding like I don't really care."

"Well, write down what you're sorry for and what you'll do to stop it from happening again."

Krey wrote something down about being a better Alpha, then stared at the paper as though it was a puzzle he couldn't figure out.

Pip sighed and took the notepad from him. He wrote down different points, like being more reliable and less angry, and more approachable, and more caring. He handed Krey the paper and made him explain why he would have to work towards each point.

"Um, I guess I'm not reliable because I pick and choose when to care. I sometimes refused to listen to those who had issues, especially if they were aimed at me. I guess they need someone they can trust, someone more like my dad."

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