Chapter 18

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I made a Tapas account yesterday after hearing good things about it. If you're unsure what that is, it's another writing site that quite a lot of writers are using these days! If you want to show your support, search for 'Mate Massacres' because I'm releasing daily chapters for possible new readers, so feel free to join in on that if you fancy reading the story again! Or search 'Sian' on Tapas and you should find me! If you struggle though, message me and I'll give you a link!

It would be great to see you guys there too! :D

- Sian

Pip paced until he couldn't stand the sound of his own shoes against the wooden floor, so he sat until he couldn't stand the sad sobs of the wolves in the field below, then he moved to the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water.

As he stared into the mirror, blue hopeless eyes stared back. This was not the life he wanted for himself. He was stuck in a building where half of the people didn't like him, and with a person he loved, who hated who Pip was, but loved him as his mate.

Pip sighed, exhausted after a night of no sleep and a night of worry. Krey still hadn't come back, and the atmosphere in the Packhouse was worsening. Every wolf was anxious, especially when no surrounding packs had found Krey on their territory.

"It stops this time," Pip said to himself. If Krey was just a guy, Pip would have left him for speaking to him the way he had. But Krey was bound to him by an unbreakable bond. Pip could suffer through it, or he could be stern and make sure Krey started to respect him and started to treat him the way Pip deserved to be treated. "I deserve better."

Pip shook his head. Makena had told him he was the only person who could change Krey, but Pip didn't like the responsibility. Krey was his own person, his own mind, and an adult. Krey knew what was right and what was wrong. If Pip had to do something to make him change, he would start with making it clear that he would not tolerate someone so cruel.

"You better come back soon, so you can see how angry I am, Krey." Pip glared at himself again, wondering if Krey would find his frown intimidating.

After another hour of sitting by the window, Pip felt anxious again and decided to go to his library. If he wasn't allowed to look for Krey outside, then he wanted to do his best to stay positive and hopeful that Krey would soon return.

He climbed the narrow stairs to the attic, running his fingers along the fairy lights that wrapped around the bannister. As he neared the top, he heard voices which was unusual. Pip hoped to see Francis and Makena. He wanted to see Sid too until he remembered.

Pip entered with a smile, hoping to help if anyone was upset. A group of eight Omegas lounged around his library. Some sprawled on the couch, on the beanbags and on the rug, and one was pulling books from the nearest shelves and throwing them on the floor with disinterest. The conversation stopped abruptly, and all eyes fell on Pip.

"Um, h-hi," Pip stuttered. A few of the Omegas he recognised by those who had always made a point to look at him oddly. After living in the institute for almost two years, Pip knew everyone's names and personalities, but that didn't mean everyone knew his. Some Omegas would purposefully avoid him, so Pip eventually stopped trying to be everyone's friend.

"We're having a discussion that doesn't involve humans. Come back later," one omega said as she stretched on the beanbag.

Pip was dumbfounded. I'm getting shunned from my own safe space. "Well, a-actually-"

"Go and follow Francis around or something. She likes having a human pet."

Pip's cheeks reddened. After so much conflict with Krey, Pip should have been able to stand his ground. He didn't like being hated for no reason, but under the eyes of those who would laugh at him if he got angry, Pip felt smaller than ever. "I just want to-"

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