Chapter 74

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Their high spirits continued through the morning. Pip dressed in light blue jeans with frayed knees. He wore a mustard yellow knitted jumper that Krey always said looked good on him. Krey wore his usual black attire of black jeans and a plain black t-shirt with a wolf's head embroidered to the left chest.

They lounged together on the bed, searching endlessly for a film to watch until Krey shut the laptop and flopped backwards. Pip hovered over him with a smile that had barely left his lips. "It's weird to suddenly feel this happy."

"Yeah. I just keep thinking about yesterday."

"A lot happened."

"Too much." Krey rubbed his temples. "Do you want go to the library? I'll make some tea."

Pip would have leapt out of bed if his ribs still didn't hurt. He kept wanting to check on his parents, but Francis promised to tell him when they were awake, and she hadn't yet called.

They tiptoed past Krey's parents' room and climbed the narrow stairs to the library. The smell of books filled Pip with content. He smiled at the afternoon sun streaming through the window, casting a golden light on the first bookshelf.

Krey put the kettle on and Pip picked up the book he had last left on the table. He sat on the couch and Krey sat right next to him, leaving no air between them, just the way Pip liked it. He snuggled into his side, opened his book, and read two paragraphs before closing it again. He felt Krey watching him with his intense brown eyes. "I can't think about anything other than my parents."

"Same. It'll be like this for a while."

Pip put the book on the table before snuggling himself back into Krey's side. Krey's arm coiled around his shoulder, gently stroking Pip's chest. "I also can't believe that everything is over with the Southern Alpha drama. I felt so... light when I woke up this morning."

"The only stress I have now is Alpha related."

"What are you stressed about?"

Krey shrugged.

Pip lightly prodded his thigh. "Tell me," he whispered.

"I just..." Krey sighed and slouched further on the couch. "I know I haven't been a good Alpha. My dad was a great one. He'll be disappointed in me."

"Nonsense. He'll understand how hard this has been for you."

Krey ground his jaw. "I nearly destroyed his Pack."

Pip wasn't surprised Krey was being hard on himself. He always was any chance he got. "But you didn't. You picked yourself back up." Pip reached for Krey's face, making their eyes connect. "I'm sure your dad won't even think about anything like that. I bet he's just happy to be home."

"Yeah, but when he gets healthy, then what?"

"Krey, he hasn't come back from the dead just to criticise you. You're just criticising yourself right now, so stop it."

Krey softly kissed Pip's temple with a low grumbling noise. "You're right."

"Just focus on how this'll be good for the Pack. The burden of being Alpha doesn't have to be so heavy if you and your dad share the role." Pip saw more anxiety worming across Krey's face and patted his knee. "What you can do for the pack right now is to arrange a party."

"A party?" Krey cocked a dark brow. "You want a party?"

"For us it can be a celebration of well, not Debra's death, of that whole thing coming to an end, and finding our parents. We have a lot to be excited about. You can invite your new friends."

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