Chapter 69

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The first wave of humans came to the Crescent Packhouse and banged on the gate. The guards were usually on the outside of the fence, now they waited on the inside, not wanting to be injured.

Through the night the humans stayed, camping in the forest, lighting fires and being unnecessarily loud. Francis stayed by the building's entrance the entire time. She was healing fast, but nobody would let her go cold or hungry. They knew what was at stake if Francis died, and if Krey didn't return with Pippor.

"There's more of them coming from the town. We can see them from the roof," an Omega said, panting from running down the many flights of stairs and through the long corridors. "What if they get through the fences?"

"Then they will have to get through the wolves." Francis stayed as calm as she could. If she panicked, so would the Pack. "Get the whole pack and defend the fences."

"Okay!" The Omega sprinted back inside, and Francis rubbed her hands together to stop her fingers from wandering to her wound.

Soon, werewolf after werewolf spilled from the building, all in their wolf forms. Francis felt more secure with them all around the grounds, but the humans were noisy and attracting attention.

She struggled to stand with her injury, and slowly edged down the gravel path until a hand stopped her. Francis turned and Bethan stared bleakly. "Where are you going? You should be inside with Rocket in the first-aid room."

"The wolves need guidance."

Bethan sighed. "Look, I'm not trying to replace Sid, but I have Delta blood in me. Granted, it's not much, but I can help if you need me to help. Sit on the steps for all I care, but I'll approach the gate to see what's going on. It's better I get injured than you, again."

Francis's gaze flicked to the large metal gate in the distance. The banging echoed louder with each thud. "Go to the gate. I'll get my phone and see what's going on with Krey."

"Francis," Bethan yelled before she disappeared inside, "Just so you know, we'll slaughter the humans if we have to. After all, they're trying to kill us."

Francis dreaded the aftermath of so much death, and what would become of them if they killed most of Crescent Town's locals. Right now, all she had to focus on was defending their home and their lives.

She marched as fast as she could down the hall and retrieved her phone from the meeting room. "Shit," she breathed. Deena had phoned her almost fifteen times since last night. Francis held her phone to her chest and scrunched her eyes shut. Please, please, please, let them all be alive.

Francis then unlocked her phone and called Deena back with a heavy heart.

* * * * *

The cars set off through the country roads. The wolves stayed in the fields at either side, shielded by thick bushes, but Krey could sense them there. Even Pip could sense them and kept looking from the window to catch one between the branches.

Saphine had ordered cars from the government, so the drivers knew about werewolves. For the driver's safety, the passenger seat was off limits, but an extra seat was built into the back. Two were seats that had to be pulled down, and three were in the far back of the car.

Pip and Krey let their parents sit on the comfortable ones, while they sat on the tough boarded ones that threatened to snap shut when only Pip sat on it.

"How long will it take to get to your Packhouse?" David asked.

Pip kept staring at his father, now that his face was cleanly shaven. He looked much more like the man he remembered, and now that Pip was older, he looked just like his dad too. His mother also looked exactly how he remembered her with her hair brushed and washed and dried. The more he stared, the more memories he unlocked.

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