Chapter 48

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Pip was giddy as they roamed the streets of Crescent Town. They were on the back roads, but he still felt a sense of nostalgia. He used to play behind the library a lot as a kid. Now he was back there as a twenty-year-old, surrounded by werewolves after disappearing for two years.

Pip kicked at the cobbles, thinking of the time he used to skim rocks across then with his father to make a spark. Sometimes the noise would drive the librarians crazy and they'd chase Pip and his father into the woods.

His eyes glazed into the woods at the fond memory of laugher. He had been such a carefree child before his parents died. Pip wished he could have at least one more year with them. He quickly turned back to the cobbles before his thoughts turned sad.

Pip peered over his sunglasses when the backdoor to the library was ajar. They had gone to the town very early, and the library wasn't due to open for another 30 minutes, which was perfect for a group who didn't want to be seen. Debra was due to meet them soon too. Pip couldn't wait to see his old friends to give them peace of mind.

Pip glanced around and once Francis gave him permission, he removed his hood, black hat, and black sunglasses. Pip approached the blue door with caution.

"He said he was coming at this time. I'll check again," a familiar voice said from inside the building, and then a familiar wrinkled face filled the gap in the door. The elderly woman froze, and her sunken brown eyes sparkled with sudden tears. "Oh Pippor, my dear boy!" She stepped into the backstreet to hug him.

Pip held her just as tightly. Her name was Margaret, and her cardigan smelt of coffee. She was the head librarian and had often let Pip in early or let him stay late. She made him tea when he was cold, and sandwiches when he skipped dinner. Pip had even cried on her once, and ever since then, she warmed him under her wing, as did the rest of the librarians.

Pip swallowed his new tears when she cupped his cheeks. Her wise eyes scanned the omegas and Francis behind him, and then his black attire. "Come in."

They entered one of the small study rooms, but Margaret lead them to the main part of the library where Pip was engulfed in more hugs from more old ladies and two middle aged men. The reception area was always warm, with a cheap chandelier above, and dark wooden floors below. The walls were covered in posters about book clubs, writing contents, and whatever the town wanted to promote.

Pip tried to take in the view and the smell of books, but Questions soon flooded him, and Pip was very careful of how he answered them. He couldn't say much, but of course, the main question was where he had been all this time.

"I had to get away," he admitted. "I couldn't live at my aunt and uncle's house anymore." Even though he paid rent from when he was old enough to work, the house never felt like home. He had always felt like a guest; Pip was treated like an unwanted one.

"We're glad you got out of that place, but why the secrecy?" asked a librarian called Jerry.

"Would you like to look around?" Margret asked before Pip dished out a lie. Pip then remembered that Margret was Daniel's sister, and wondered if she knew what Daniel knew about the werewolf world. "You've not been here in so long, though not much has changed."

She guided Pip and his protection team to the main part of the library. Pip and Francis both eyed the couch where Pip had met Krey properly for the first time. They both smiled to themselves, and then to each other, sharing the memory. Pip remembered bonding with Krey that day because they both ran in the woods.

"You can take a book with you if you want," Margret smiled as Pip traced the first row of books. Krey had also helped Pip to reach a shelf that day. Pip's chest fuzzed with the fond memory of Krey leaning over him, watching him with those intense brown eyes.

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