Chapter 26

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Krey felt a little better when he went to his office instead of the bedroom. Now that he had poured his heart onto Pippor, he had to do the same to his pack. But he had so much apologising to do, it was best to write down points that he could focus on, so he didn't forget anything. Krey had a lot to apologise for, and not stepping up when it mattered was a big one.

Francis had written down basic points, like trust, anger issues, and how it looked like he didn't care about the pack. But now that Krey was on his own again, he struggled to figure out where to start. His office felt too quiet, and too lonely. Without Pip around, Krey was very aware of how he no longer liked to be on his own.

I'm not good at this, Krey thought, sitting back in the leather swizzle chair. Is it wrong of me to ask for help from an apology that should come from only me? Krey aggressively stabbed his pen into the paper. I know why I'm sorry, but how do I put it into words?

Krey had so easily leaked his emotions earlier that day, and Pip had been surprised. Krey had been surprised, but after crying on his mother, his emotions were visiting more frequently. Slowly, Krey was learning that opening up wasn't a weakness, and suppressing emotions was destroying him.

Krey didn't want to crumble on his pack and cry in front of them all, but he had to sound like he really meant his apology and would do better in the future. He didn't want to talk about how he was rushed into the Alpha role. He didn't want to make the wolves feel sorry for him. Krey wanted to own up to his mistakes.

Admitting them was the hardest part, especially when he lived his twenty-one year's denying them.

* * * * *

"So he spoke to you?" Francis asked, sitting with Pip in the corner of the field eating homemade ice cream. Pip favoured mint choc chip. Francis loved Vanilla.

"Well, when I say spoke... he broke down. He even cried."


Pip nodded. "It took all I had not to run to him. His apology was everything I could've asked for, but I'm giving him more time to think about what actions he has to take. I'm almost ready to be there for him again."

"I think it really hit him this time. He's had a taste of what life will be like if he continues to make mistakes like this."

Pip stared at the grass weaving between his bare toes. "We've had some great times together, and there were weeks and even months where he was really good. I wish it could just be like that all the time."

"We'll get him help and then we'll see a very different Krey. The true Krey."

"Yeah, hopefully."

Francis nudged him. "We will figure him out. He will let us this time. I have a good feeling about it." She ate the rest of her ice cream, beaming at Pip whenever he glanced at her with uncertain eyes. "You're usually the optimistic one."

"I guess not being around Krey is affecting me more than I thought it would. I thought I'd just get a headache and feel more tired, but without him I just can't think. I can't even read."

"You can't read? Gosh, there is something not right there."

"Mates are not supposed to be this distant." Pip pulled knees to his chest and stared into the woods beyond the fence. Would he be able to go on adventures one day with Krey? Would they visit other Packhouses, and go to the beach, or maybe even go camping? While the Southern Alpha was alive, Pip feared the only life he would live was behind the electric fence. "No wonder Jordan and the Southern Alpha were so cold. Being apart must have ruined them."

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