Chapter 75

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The next few days consisted of lots of sleeping and lots of resting. Soon, Krey started to get restless. He got up early while the sky was a blend of red and oranges. As he snuck to the bedroom door, Pip mumbled, "Where are you going?"

Krey turned and his heart throbbed. Pip sat up with brown wavy hair sticking out in many directions. The rising sun glossed his smooth skin and made his blue eyes a little purple. "For a walk or a run."

Pip's sun-blessed eyes flicked him up and down. Krey wore shorts, a t-shirt, and his black running shoes. "I'll come."

Krey's lips curled up at the sides. He watched Pip scramble around the room, trying to get his shorts on. Krey dug Pip's running shoes out from under the bed as his mate brushed his teeth.

On the way into the corridor, he pulled on Pip's arm and with one hand still on the door handle, they shared a morning kiss. "Did you sleep okay?" Krey asked in between their lips touching.

Pip nodded. "Did you?" They kissed again. Krey mumbled a low note that sounded like a yes.

They separated their faces but not their hands and turned to continue down the hall. Krey stalled, seeing his mother and father standing with the stairwell door ajar. His father grinned, clearly not used to his son having a mate.

"Going for a run?" Makena asked. Her brown eyes hadn't dimmed in days. Krey had seen only glumness for so long, her high spirits were unfamiliar.

"Yeah." Over the last few days, Krey hadn't really seen his parents. Time alone together when they were so vulnerable was exactly what they needed. Pip hadn't really seen his parents either. When they weren't sleeping, they were awake to get food.

They all headed to the backdoor, sleepy and excited for another day together. Pip was surprised to see his parents sitting on a bench with two Omega's who helped them move around. His parents were bundled up in many layers. Their cheeks were rosy pink from the bitter air.

"Morning!" Pip chirped, not expecting to see them until at least lunchtime. "You're up early."

"We were told that you might run today. Well, we were told that Krey planned to run today and we wanted to see if you'd join him."

Pip greeted them with a hug. He did every time he saw them, even if he saw them multiple times throughout the day. He had often begged for one last hug, and now he could take advantage of that wish.

Makena and Roden sat with Pip's parents on the bench while their sons warmed up. Pip's whole body felt stiff as he lightly jogged on the spot, mixed with a few star jumps. He usually raced Krey through the building and that would warm them.

"Are you two racing each other?" a voice asked from the doorway.

Krey turned to see Rocket standing on his own two feet. He wasn't using crutches. "Feeling strong?" he asked.

"I am. Not strong enough to run yet, but I know I'll get there soon."

Krey had worried that Rocket, the second fastest in the pack, would never be able to run again. Seeing him standing on his own was a great relief. His father watched him talk to Rocket about his injuries. Krey noticed that his father did a lot of watching. Even after two years, Roden still expected him to be the same hostile wolf.

"Krey," Pip said, stretching his leg. "You need to warm up."

Krey joined him with the stretches. "I'll race you. See who can run six laps the quickest."

Pip chuckled. "You'll lose."

Roden made a low 'oooh' sound.

Krey knew he would lose, but he wanted Pip's parents to see just how talented their son was. Pip ran better when he was in a race. He playfully nudged Pip when he was balancing on one leg. "Race me."

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