Chapter 70

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More and more humans pounded the gate and eventually, pried the bottom of the fence up. "No!" Francis hissed when she was told by an Omega. "Turn the electric fence on. They're here to hurt us. We can't be merciful now."

Her heart pounded in her throat. Blood would be spilt, and they would be left with the aftermath, despite the humans threatening them first. Debra, damn you. Francis watch coldly and helplessly from the building steps. Her wound hurt, but she had to get closer to know what was happening.

With one weak step at a time, she followed the pebbled path. The closer she got, the more she heard not just angry noise but angry voices. "Give us Debra!" and "Filthy dogs took Pip and his parents!" and "Justice, justice, justice!"

Her hands turned to fists. Her wolf was reluctant to surface. Francis was still sore, her body wanted her to heal. "Do they have weapons?" she asked Bethan who snapped a head in her direction.


The Beta held up her hand. Bethan pursed her lips. "Krey and Pippor are alive. They're on their way back now." Francis saw the relief. She too wanted to scream into the clouds with happiness. "Do they have weapons?" she repeated.

"Yes. Some had knives."

"Well we have wolves." Francis was sick of the violence, and sick of the constant battle for peace. "All of you change into your wolves. I don't want to give them a chance to get metres into these grounds."

The rest of the pack shifted. Francis felt powerful, but still anxious for help to arrive, whether that was Krey or other Northern wolves. The Pack was always restless without their Alpha, no matter how reassuring Francis tried to be.

Soon, the only Omega yet to change approached Francis, shouting, "They've cut the wires in the fence!"

Francis's throat was suddenly uncomfortably dry. A bunch of humans shouldn't worry them so much. She had to clear them for Krey and Pippor, and she had to do it within the hour.

"Maybe we should just open the gate and set the wolves on them. If they run, don't bite them, but if they push their way in here to fight, we fight back." The wolves close enough to Francis nodded their heads. "Is that something you're all prepared to do, fight?"

All the wolves near the gate nodded. Francis didn't want to stand by and let humans destroy their fences and their gate because then they would need fixed, and nobody would sleep until they were.

"Alright." Francis nodded to herself for reassurance. The humans had no idea what they were getting themselves into. She hoped for their sake that they'd run. "Open the gate."

A wolf tugged down the lever with her mouth. The low buzzing  droned deep into Francis's bones. The shouting on the other side paused for only a moment.

Francis pursed her lips when the crowd of humans cheered, thinking they had opened the gate by toggling with the wires.

As soon as the gate opened enough for humans to see the wolves, the Pack bared their teeth and raised their hackles. Francis could barely blink. She didn't want to miss the way the human's faces froze, and how their eyes filled with terror.

Her favourite part was when they all shuffled backwards, speechless, dumbfounded, scared. What? You had a lot to say only a moment ago. Francis did her best not to smirk.

"Leave," she demanded. A sharp pain tore through her stomach, but she clenched her jaw and ignored it. "If you step into our grounds, you die."

The silence that followed was comical. The humans could only stare at the wolves, too terrified to do anything other than move away, so the wolves moved forwards. Even Francis met them at the line of dirt where the gate covered the grass. "The wolves you saw in the town were not ours. Debra is not here, so leave." Francis crossed her arms tenderly. Her voice pulled some of their attention from the wolves.

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