Chapter 32

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"I just want you to be happy." Pip said after a while of sitting on Krey's lap and watching the sunset.

"I know."

"That's all I've ever wanted."

"I know."

"Being apart was to give you time to think, not to hurt you."

"I know that," Krey said, linking fingers around Pip's side and peering into his blue eyes. They were lighter than the sky and shiny like pools made of glass. "I'm grateful that you stepped back because as horrible as it was to be away from you, I saw that I was headed in that direction if I didn't get my shit together." He rested his chin on top of Pip's head. "My digs at you kept you on edge all the time because you never knew when I'd next be annoyed. My anger will be under control from now on. I promise."

Pip couldn't trust his promises yet, but he appreciated Krey being open about changing, and wanting to be better. "A therapist is coming tomorrow for you and anyone else who needs to arrange appointments. You'll visit one for as long as it takes."

Krey nodded against him. Pip was taking charge. Krey didn't expect him to help so much, but he was grateful. Pip was a fighter. Life had been cruel to Pip in ways that should have torn him to the bone, but Pip never gave up being positive, and Krey doubted he would ever lose that optimism. Pip deserved someone who could make him smile every day, someone who could love him unconditionally, someone who could look after him, listen to him, treat him with respect, and give him a good life.

I will be that person now. I didn't try hard enough in the past, but I promise I will make it up to you.

Krey planted a soft kiss into Pip's hair and melted when Pip smiled and snuggled his head into his chest. Krey had missed that smile, and hoped to see more of it, especially his big grins that deepened his dimples.

Krey lifted a hand to Pip's face and brushed a finger down the bridge of his nose. The sun always brought out his freckles. "I love you," he whispered into Pips ear.

Pip closed his eyes and let his muscles relax. Krey was holding him and loving him. For now, he had nothing to worry about other than mending their relationship.

The rest of the day went fast because they stayed with each other. When the sun set late into the evening, Pip raced to his library and flopped onto one of the beanbags.

Krey followed him like a lost puppy. He was quiet and carefully edging around his mate, waiting for the moment Pip demanded space again, but that command never came. Two mates couldn't pull at the bond forever, it wasn't natural. They felt better together, so they stayed close.

After hours of reading and discreetly stealing glances at Krey, Pip was tired.

After hours of thinking and blatantly staring at Pip, Krey was tired.

They piled into the bathroom together and Pip paused by the shower door as Krey hung pyjamas over the side of the bath. "Oh," Krey said almost sheepishly. "You're showering? I'll change after-"

"You can join... if you want," Pip interrupted. The way Krey held him and kissed him earlier had awoken a deep need for affection. They had both struggled enough through the week. Showering together wasn't Pip forgiving Krey for being so careless with their lives, he was simply giving his body what it craved.

Ever since he connected the bond with Krey Graymer, his body had only ever yearned for him.

"I can?" Krey asked, stopping by the door. His big brown eyes trailed Pip up and down at the thought.

"You can." Pip faced his back to him to turn on the shower. He heard the bathroom door click shut and felt Krey's eyes on him as he undressed. Krey's hands would usually touch him immediately, but Krey was still waiting for permission, not wanting to push his luck. Pip knew that Krey never resisted his bare skin. Krey was being strict with himself, proving to Pip that he was trying hard.

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