Chapter 71

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Before you come for me in the comments, the reunion between Makena and Roden will happen next chapter! Your patience has been greatly appreciated haha :D

- Sian

Krey felt nervous. He didn't know why as he wasn't the one returning from the dead. Maybe Pip's intense stare churned his stomach, or the way Francis grabbed an Omega before her knees hit the marble steps, or the open-mouthed stares from the rest of the pack.

As Krey gripped his father, Roden gripped him back, still too weak to stand on his own. He looked around with soft brown eyes, but he was lost for words.

Krey swallowed thickly. The silence stretched for too long. "Give us time to explain," he mumbled, not able to think of something more comforting or helpful.

Instead of standing in the cold, crying in front of the Pack as he told them the story of what happened in the South, Krey slowly entered the building with his father.

Pip told the others not to follow. Krey was thankful, but he wished Pip followed too. He felt Francis's eyes burning into him as they disappeared down the corridor. Later. I'll explain later. Krey was so tired, he almost took a wrong turn on the way to the stairs.

"You've redecorated," Roden observed. What used to be patterned walls and muddy carpets were now white walls covered in black and white art, dark wooden floors, and tall green plant with huge leaves.


"I like it. Was that for Pip?"

"No. The Packhouse looked shit."

Roden scoffed. "You didn't like the patterned wallpaper?"

Krey slowed down on the stairs. His father struggled with one step at a time and they took a break after one flight. Krey sat him on the bottom step. "I can just carry you," he offered.

"No, no, I'll get to the top with my own legs."

Krey crossed his arms and leaned against the handrail. He could smell the wolves close and turned in time to see a few heads pop through the gap in the door. Krey sighed and stormed down the stairs, leaving his father to watch on helplessly.

The Omega's jumped back into the corridor, but Krey wasn't angry. "I will explain soon. Mum deserves the first explanation. Call Sea Claw Packhouse and tell them to bring her home right now."

"Yes... Alpha." They tried to peek back into the stairwell until the door closed after him.

Krey's legs burned on the stairs. He was exhausted.

"It's odd," Roden mumbled, "hearing them call you Alpha."

"It's still odd for them too." Krey then helped him up the second flight of stairs and offered to carry him again when Roden needed another rest.

"No. I will do it in my own time."

Krey sat next to him, being as patient as he could. Every time their eye connected, his chest flipped.

"Why is Makena at Sea Claw Packhouse and not here?" Roden asked, stretching his thin legs in front of him.

Krey chewed the inside of his lip, wishing Pip was with them. He would know how to say it gently. Krey was too honest and too blunt. "She uh..." Krey couldn't sugar-coat something so serious. "She tried to drown herself."

Roden's head snapped in his direction. Krey could only stare at the wooden floor.

"She told me she was going to stay at Shadow Packhouse for a weekend, but she lied and went to the beach. Penelope's wolves got to her just in time. I got there when they were still..." Krey shifted uncomfortably. "We agreed that she should stay with Penelope because everything here reminded her of you. Even me."

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