Chapter 33

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Pip was on edge when Krey was having his first therapy session. He expected a tantrum and for Krey to storm from the room and not come back for hours. But Krey stayed in the room for the full hour, and left giving the therapist a handshake and a polite goodbye.

"I'm shocked," Francis whispered, leaning against the corridor wall. "He's actually got manners."

Pip scoffed and Krey approached them with suspicion. "What?"

"Nothing," Pip beamed. "How did it go?"

Krey's eyes followed the next wolf who entered the room. He wasn't the only one in the pack who needed therapy. "It was awkward."

"First sessions usually are. It'll be better on Thursday."

"I thought I was seeing her once a week?" Krey questioned.

"Nope. You'll see her twice a week, maybe three times depending on how it goes."

Krey slumped against the wall and crossed his arms. "Can you come into my next session?" he asked Pip. "I just couldn't seem to speak at all."

Pip nodded. "If I'm allowed." He grabbed Krey's hand, squeezing it tightly.

Francis smiled at their clutching grips. "Are you hungry?" she asked, smoothing a handful of braids over one shoulder. She wore purple eyeshadow that matched her purple denim Jacket.

Pip's gaze was often drawn to her bright green eyes. Against her dark skin and purple eyeshadow, they popped beautifully.

"I'm fucking starving," Krey said.

Pip shook his head, grinning as he followed them down the corridor. Krey had eaten a lot for breakfast, yet he was always hungry, and so was Francis, and every other werewolf in the institute. The only person who no longer ate like a werewolf was Makena. She didn't join them for breakfast and lunch very often now, but she was always there for dinner.

Though Pip felt as though she was wasting away, bit by bit. Losing a mate was slowly destroying her. Pip would have to talk to Krey about helping Makena because he knew Krey noticed too.

The canteen was busy and happy for the first time in a while. Wolves were smiling and laughing and feeling comfortable again in their Packhouse.

The lively chatter was a nice sound for both Krey and Pip as they sat at their usual table. Makena's spot remained empty. Krey stared at it for a moment, then checked his watch. "Should I go and get mum?"

Pip nodded to say yes. "You feel her pulling away too, don't you?"

"Yes. I should make her visit the therapist too." The therapist was a human who knew everything about werewolves and how they lived, and their ranks, and their traits. The government gave therapists willingly, knowing that unstable werewolves caused trouble. "I'll be back in a minute."

Krey stood and Pip grabbed his wrist before he stormed through the canteen. Krey turned with a puzzled look, but Pip pursed his lips, and Krey then knew what he wanted. He almost felt as though he didn't deserve Pip's attention yet, but Pip deserved to be loved. Krey crouched and softly kissed his cheek, then his lips. He ruffled Pip's hair and left with warmth circling his chest.

Krey could breathe easier now that they were on good terms again. He could go up the stairs two at a time. Being with Pip gave him endless energy, physically and mentally.

He reached the third floor quickly and banged on his mother's door hard enough to startle her on the other side. "Krey, bloody hell," she muttered, smelling his scent. "Come in."

Krey swung the door open to see her sitting by the window, staring into the woods beyond. She turned to face him with a weak smile. She didn't look well. Makena had lost a lot of weight over the past year and eight months. She was slow with every action, and tired from constant sleepless nights.

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