Chapter 64

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If you're looking for a BxB book to read that has both fast updates and excellent writing, please for the love of plot twists read Devils of the Ocean by EdenY_ (you can find it in my reading list). I drop what I'm doing when an update comes out every time, and I know you'll get just as obsessed. Also, Merbooks certainly need more love, especially ones this good!

- Sian

Krey's frown only deepened, pushing hard into his eyelids. "What?"

"Um, the prisoners," Pip whispered. "They're our..." His voice trailed away when Krey turned towards them.

"What?" he said again.

Pip curled his fingers around Krey's hand, staring up at him. He opened his mouth but couldn't find the right words.

Krey was impatient and turned his back to them. "What is it?"


"I know I look a mess but am I really that unrecognisable?" asked one of the men.

Krey was looking at Pip when he spoke, and his breath hitched. Krey visibly tensed and slowly turned his head. His eyes stared at all three prisoners. "Who said that?"

"I did," said the tall man in the middle, sitting forward so the orange light fell on his bearded face. "You recognise my voice, don't you?"

Krey did. The way it sounded raised hairs on the back of his neck like he had heard the voice many times before. "Who are you?"

The man's eyes briefly flicked to Pip. "It might take you a moment to understand, I know it's been a while, and the last time you saw me, I died." He paused, long enough for Krey's frown to shape with confusion. "It's me, Krey, your father."

The silence stretched out for a long awkward moment as Pip looked back and forth between Krey and Roden.

Krey stared intensely, narrowing his eyes. "Fuck off."

Roden could only chuckle. "It's been two years and you greet me like this? Wait till your mother hears."

Krey's face didn't move. He didn't move. He barely breathed.

Pip could only imagine the emotions soaring through him. Roden must have sounded familiar, but he was a shell of the man Krey remembered. "It is Roden," Pip whispered, squeezing Krey's loose hand.

"No." Krey couldn't look away from the tall man sitting with his thin legs crossed beneath him. "Pip, my father is dead. Why would you say that?"

Pip was told it and believed it. His parents had proved it by sharing memories, and under the filth and malnourished bodies, they still looked like themselves. "My parents are here too."

Krey then tore his eyes away and stared oddly at his mate. "You hit your head a bit too hard."

"They are my parents. They proved it, they told me things only they would know! Ask Roden anything he would know!" Pip smiled at his mother and father. His heart jolted when they smiled back. He knew his mind would do anything it could to make him second-guess himself. He could barely believe it, and wondered when the madness would sink in.

Krey flinched at the mention of his father's name. He looked to the people sitting on either side of the man who claimed to be his father. The man had dimples like Pip, the woman had blue eyes like Pip, but that was the only resemblance he could see.

He then connected his gaze with the man in the middle. There was a resemblance to his father that made Krey's heart stumble. His eyes, the way they watched him with mild amusement, caught Krey off guard. He knew those eyes, but it wasn't possible. "You're dead," he blurted.

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