Chapter 35

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This is a TRIGGER WARNING. Hints of sensitive topics come up in this chapter, so please read with caution.

- Sian

"I should show this to mum," Krey said after a while of staring at the black leather journal. He rubbed a thumb across his father's initials, imagining him doing the same motion.

Pip had sat quietly next to his werewolf, not wanting to disturb Krey's thoughtful silence. The journal was full of notes in different types of ink, with even a few drawn images. Krey had only flicked through the pages, but he wasn't able to properly look. Pip brought his mind back to him when he touched Krey's lower back. "Let's go see your mum."

Pip got up first and held out hands for Krey. Pip tried to pull him up the way Krey would often pull him from the floor, but Krey was just too big and heavy.

"Struggling?" Krey smirked when Pip's socks slid on the wooden floor and Krey didn't budge an inch.

"It's because you have a wolf inside of you. That's why you're so heavy," Pip grinned, giving up and letting Krey climb to his feet by himself.

"No, it's because I'm now 6ft 6, and you're a little 5ft 5."

"You grew an inch?"

"I'm now breaching tall for a werewolf," Krey said, ruffling Pip's hair.

"You don't call yourself tall already?" Pip asked, straining his neck to connect their eyes. "You're taller than everyone in the pack."

"For an Alpha, not exactly the tallest. But for a human I am really tall." He tilted his head. And you're pretty small." Krey pinched Pip's round cheeks. "Which is so cute."

Pip always blushed when he did that. They looked like opposites but enjoyed those parts about each other. Sometimes reaching Krey for kisses was awkward. Though Pip only had to tug on Krey's hoody strings for him to know what Pip wanted. Hugging someone so large made up for the struggle. Pip loved to be engulfed by Krey's smell and warmth and strong arms, especially on cold nights.

"Do you think you'll grow more?" Pip asked as Krey crouched to peck his lips.

"For our neck's sake, hopefully not."

"Maybe I'll grow instead." Pip grinned and Krey poked his dimples.

"Hopefully not." Krey looked him up and down and his pupils spread through the brown.

"You like me short?" Pip asked, biting his bottom lip. He had missed flirting with Krey. Being sad consumed his every action.

"I like you." This time, Krey pressed their lips together for a few seconds longer, cherishing the feel of him.

They intertwined their hands and walked happily together to the third floor. Krey felt lighter in his head and in his heart. He hoped the diary would break his mother's emotional chains too.

He knocked on his mother's bedroom door. Makena was hesitant to answer. "Not now. I'm busy," she yelled.

Krey frowned. These days, his mother was never busy. "With what?"

"Just... not right now Krey."

Krey hummed lowly and grabbed the door handle. "Why?" He could hear noises, like she was rummaging through drawers. "What are you up to?"

"Maybe we should give her some space," Pip said, trying to pry Krey's hand from the handle.

"She's up to something," Krey mumbled, tightening his grip. "Can I come in and ask about how the therapy session went?"

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