Chapter 55

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The journey to the cave was longer than thirty minutes. Krey grew impatient and ran ahead of the Beta who guided the way. He stopped her with a low snarl as if to say, what is taking so long?

The Beta lowered her head. Krey wasn't her Alpha, but he was an Alpha and Krey Graymer was highly intimidating. She whined, short and quickly, nudging her head South.

We better be almost there, Krey thought to himself and grudgingly followed, close enough to her back legs to make her run faster. Krey growled whenever she slowed down. He wanted to run at full speed, but not every Omega could run that fast. Still, the woods seemed to never end.

Then it did, suddenly and sharply that the group skidded to a halt a few metres from the edge of a cliff. Krey peered down. Huge rocks sat below, sprayed by the rough sea. A grey sky travelled miles and miles to the horizon. Krey looked around, scanning the sea and sniffing the cold sea air. All he smelt was salt and the wolves around him.

Krey shifted and stretched his arms, a lot of running was starting to ache, but he would run until he collapsed if it meant getting closer to Pippor.

Saphine's Beta led them to a part of the cliff that sank away. It was steep to the rocks below, and slippery, and Krey kept thinking that Pip would struggle to climb up. He couldn't smell him, but his heart thumped warmly, the way it did when Pip sometimes hurried past his office on the way to his library.

Krey felt as though Pip was close, though his senses were all over the place with the scents of so many Rogues, and so many other werewolves prickling the hairs on the back of his neck. He didn't quite know what he was feeling, and that was more concerning than not feeling anything at all.

Once at the bottom, Krey wiped sand from his hands and looked back the way he came. Steep was an understatement. They'd have to climb to get back up.

"No wonder there's a cave full of Rogues. They're probably too weak to get out," one of his Omegas observed, also looking up at the steep route.

He had a point, and Krey's gut stirred. Something wasn't right. He hovered impatiently as the Beta waited for all the Omega's to circle them before continuing. They walked feebly along the sandy stones. One slip and the wolves would plop into the restless waves below.

The cave mouth was a big dark gaping hole on the side of the cliff. The closer they got, the more Krey felt something in his chest. "Pip's close by," he murmured to one of his Omega wolves. "I don't smell him, but I think he's here."

Saphine's Beta wolf entered the cave with her head held high, peering down her nose at the dirty Rogues. Krey entered with desperate eyes scanning every face.

"I don't see him, Alpha," his Omega commented, frantically looking around too.

But... Krey gripped his chest. What is this feeling? He stormed to the nearest Rogue, leaning over her with dark ferocious eyes. "Where is Pippor Monty?" Krey didn't ask nicely, he demanded a response, and was too close for the Rogue to avoid him.

"W-Who?" she stammered.

"You know who!" Krey growled, but his Omega's quickly stepped in before he lost his temper.

"Where is your leader, Debra?"

The Rogue shrank back into the rock. She was so pale, she almost blended into it. Krey turned to the next Rogue, and the next, and the next. Each one couldn't find their tongues. "Where is he?" Krey yelled. The Rogues dared to look, but not speak. Saphine's wolves stood silent. Krey was annoyed by everything, especially his heart telling him that Pip might be close, but not knowing where to look.

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