Chapter 59

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Krey didn't know what to do. He was stuck by a cave with Rogues, and with corrupt Shadow Pack members. Pip was close, but Krey threatened it all by being close too. If he demanded to get inside the cave where they kept Pip, Debra would kill him.

Krey couldn't ask for help from his Pack because they were stuck in the North with their own issues.

"We need a plan." He turned to Reena, the Omega who was excellent with her phone because she was always on it. Krey had to hope that Debra didn't think Krey could make friends in the North. After all, she and Jordan had tried so hard to trash his name. "Call every pack in the North. Tell them we know who the Southern Alpha is and that my mate's life is compromised. Tell them..." Krey gritted his teeth. "Tell them that if they send as many Omegas as they can spare to the South, I'll owe them."

His Omegas were stunned. Krey didn't simply dish out favours. Krey didn't help anyone, nor ask for help, but this wasn't the old Krey Graymer, not anymore. "I need to figure out how to get into that cave without threatening Pip's life. Is there another way in?"

Len nodded. "It's not really accessible when the tide's in as it covers the hole."

"Shit." Krey clenched his fists, remembering to look behind him, making sure that Saphine's Beta wasn't listening. The tide was very far in and wouldn't be out for hours. "Do you think I can give Saphine's Beta a better offer?" Krey asked his Omegas. "Or threaten her that we'll tell Saphine about her betrayal. Maybe we should just push her into the fucking sea." Krey peered down. The choppy water rocked back and forth, slapping the rocks.

He moved as far from the cave as he could without running out of rock to stand on. He phoned the Shadow Pack himself, the pack in the North, the pack he felt was more trustworthy. Victoria answered, and Krey interrupted her quick rambling about what was going on. "Phone Saphine and tell her that her Beta is working with the Southern Alpha. Debra offered her Beta of the North, or whatever ridiculous power trip she wants."

Victoria was silent for a moment. "Do you have Pip?"

"Not yet, but I know where he is."

"Okay, thank the moon. I'll phone mum and tell her to send wolves to you."


"How many?"

"As many as she can spare. And if you can, spare some of your wolves for Crescent Packhouse. I don't know what the fuck is going on up there."

"Okay. I'll check in on your mother too."

Krey was often grateful for Victoria, the one person in his family who had always greeted him as though he could do no wrong. "Thank you, I really appreciate it."

Victoria paused, then stuttered, "I well- I know, I know you do. You'd do the same for me. Please be safe and keep me updated."

"I will." Krey hung up. He faced Len, the trembling Rogue who was spilling important secrets. "What do you want out of this?"

Len was surprised to be ask. "I um, I don't know."

Krey frowned hard. "There's always something."

"Well, I want freedom."

"Not power? I thought that's why you choose to follow Debra."

Len swallowed thickly. "N-Not all of us are Rogues."

"What?" Krey and his Omega's glanced back towards the cave, sniffing the air.

"Most of them are humans."

Krey's blood ran cold. "I don't smell humans."

"Because the ones that are Rogues are so dirty, you can't tell the difference."

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