Chapter 72

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Krey took Pip to the third floor. He hadn't yet been in his bedroom. He left his father sitting in the green armchair when an Omega hurried to the bedroom, out of breath, stumbling on her words to tell him that humans were trying to get through the gate.

Krey couldn't help but to peek into the bedroom on his way past. His father sat where he left him. Roden stared distantly through the window. He watched the trees beyond as if they were some holy sight. He didn't notice his son, so Krey continued to the end of the corridor.

The sight of his own bed was enough to make his limbs twice as heavy. Instead of flopping on top of the covers, he sat on the edge of the bed, still cradling Pip. "Is it all sinking in now?" Krey asked quietly.

Pip nodded against him.

"I'm proud of you for shouting at them." Krey felt deep inside his soul that a weight had been lifted from his mate. "That Bert needed punched in the mouth. I'll get the pack to stalk him for a few weeks."

Krey's words had cracked a smile on Pip's sad face. "I just want to forget about them."

"Do you want to sleep?"

Pip shook his head, drying his eyes with his hands rather than on Krey's t-shirt. "I want to see Makena and Roden's reunion."

"Me too." Krey's stomach churned. His heart thumped. He felt a little out of breath at the thought. "I want her to just be here now."

Pip rubbed Krey's back. Every time they looked at each other, a swell of emotion flooded them. Krey kept swallowing his tears. Pip chewed on his bottom lip. "Soon, we can shower and sleep." Pip's eyes then gleamed. "Krey, you did it. Anything to do with the Southern Alpha is over. Your mum's coming home, the Rogues are getting help." Pip smiled wide. "We're free again."

Krey cupped Pip's face and kissed him tenderly. The thought of freedom was exciting. After a long sleep, he would make a list of all the things they could do together. Running through the woods would be his top priority.

Krey lightly stroked the skin around Pip's bruising eye. Krey had a matching injury. He wanted a few days of doing nothing other than relaxing with Pippor. "Are you sure you don't want to sleep?"

"I'm sure." Pip intertwined their hands and kissed Krey's knuckles. "Shall we sit by the entrance and wait for your mum?"

Krey was eager, but Pip was limping. He let Pip piggyback him and made sure to peek into his mum's bedroom before going downstairs. This time, his father was watching the already ajar door. He smiled at Krey and asked what was happening.

"The humans are gone. We're going to wait for mum to arrive."

Roden sat up straighter. "Will she be here soon?"

"Hopefully. Are you okay sitting up here?"

"Yes. I can't wait to bond with the wolves again, but I'm too tired for that right now. I just want my Mena."

Krey understood. He carried Pip on his back all the way to the front door. They sat together on the steps. Pip thought about his parents while Krey thought about his father. Either the driver of the car zoomed to the Packhouse, or Krey lost himself in thought. When the car arrived, he felt like he had only just sat down.

"Do you think she'll sense him?" Krey asked, nervously rubbing his hands together as the gate buzzed open.

"Maybe she'll smell him."

"Do you think the bond will reconnect?"

"I'm not sure. I hope it does."

Pip didn't need to feel Krey's nerves to know that he was anxious. Krey never blinked when he was on edge, and his eyes zoned ahead of him, his round shoulders sat rigid, his jaw clenched, and his heart raced around his chest.

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