Chapter 63

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Krey had originally wanted Len to punch him in the face, but he punched like a Rogue, weak and pathetic. So Krey had to ask one of his Omega's to punch him. The Eastly Howl Beta was far too eager.

Reena had made nice work with the blood. Her rings cut him to make the injury look worse than what it was, and her knuckles bruised the side of his face.

Krey thought he could handle getting punched in the face, but he had really battled with his own fists to stop himself from retaliating, despite asking for the punches.

Getting through the entrance to the cave was the hardest part. Krey had to go underwater to find the chiselled hole. Thankfully, enough room was still at the top of the tunnel for them to breathe and swim through. Well, Krey was strong enough to swim through, Len wasn't.

Krey knew then why Debra had to wait for the tide to go out. She was too weak to swim too.

Krey had carried Len on his back through the water and tried to think of a stranger situation. He wanted to start journaling like his father. The situation was too weird to be left undocumented.

Once they were in the cave, all Krey had to do was pretend that he was unconscious, while Len crawled down the tunnel, panting and wheezing as though he had really managed to drag a six foot and six inch man through the choppy water.

Krey had a moment of panic when Len went to find Debra, wondering if Debra's plotting eyes would see right through their plan, but Len cleverly made up a lie that the other Rogues had helped him because Krey had foolishly brought only two Omega's with him.

Debra was so ecstatic to have Krey Graymer unconscious and in her cave that she didn't check to see if he was out cold. She made her Rogues drag him further into the darkness.

Krey was careful not to open his eyes. When he smelt Pip, he very nearly squirmed from the Rogue's bony grip. When Pip gasped his name, Krey's leg twitched. He bit the inside of his lip to keep his eyes closed, even when the hairs on his arm pricked, most likely from Pip being close.

Touch me, he willed, but Pip never did. He was too far.

Krey felt a cold finger prod his cheek and would have loved to bite it off. He wanted to hear Debra shriek and beg for his life, but he had to concentrate and wait for Len to tell him how many Rogues he was up against.

Krey's head hammered when Pip whispered his name. He almost burst with pride when Pip yelled at Len to get away from him.

"There are three prisoners opposite you, and three Rogues, two are in wolf form. Debra will put the chains on you herself, she always does."

That was the information Krey had waited for. He then heard Len shuffling away, and faint screeching of chains scraping on the uneven floor.

This is it. This is it. Krey felt the surge of energy in his fists. His hands had killed before. He hoped this would be the last time, and the worthiest death of all.

He was tempted to open his eyes and look around, but meeting Pip's gaze would destroy his focus. Smelling him was bad enough. With every inhale, Krey wanted to run to him.

The scraping of the chains got louder. Krey had to be careful. Werewolves in wolf forms had the power to kill Pip if Debra ordered it.

Someone then crouched in front of Krey, and he cleared his mind.

While something cold touched his wrists, Krey opened his eyes. Debra crouched over him with a smirk, unaware that her greed had got the better of her.

As swiftly as if he had done it a thousand times before, Krey yanked the chains, grabbed Debra's neck and pulled her into him. His eyes glowed red, claws protruded from his fingers, and he growled loudly and deeply to warn off the other Rogues.

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