Chapter 62

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Pip couldn't take his eyes off his parents. They also spent their time smiling at him through their tears. "I want to ask you so many questions," his father said, and Pip shivered at the sound of his voice. The more he spoke the more familiar it sounded. "But I feel like I shouldn't get to know you here, and not like this."

Pip understood. "I have questions too, but-"

"Pippor Monty!" Debra yelled from the small arched entryway. Pip jumped in his chains and turned to see her glare. "Is Krey Graymer close?"

One of the Rogues slipped back into the dark shadows with a smirk. Pip scolded himself for saying out loud that he felt Krey nearby. "No." He lied. Pip could feel the pull on his heart, the warmth in his veins, the excitement itching his skin. Krey was closer than before, but Pip wasn't sure if it meant that Krey was right outside, or a few miles away.

"There are severe consequences if you lie to me." Debra's mad stare flicked to the prisoners chained opposite.

"H-He's around ten miles away," Pip stuttered. Half-truths were still risky, but he didn't want to admit that Krey was probably much closer. Debra floated to him and crouched. Pip tried to shift away. His chains would only let him move so far.

"Are you sure about that?" she whispered with an odd smile, looking him up and down.

"Aren't your Rogues spying for you?"

Debra lifted a bony hand and did her best to slap him across the face. The slap was weak and barely stung, but Pip's parents still gasped and pulled on their chains.

Pip frowned, annoyed. He hadn't used any sort of tone with her, he wasn't stupid enough to let his anger get the better of him, unless... She can't communicate with her Rogues inside this cave. Pip hoped he was right. He had an odd feeling that Debra was a little like Krey; using violence to assert dominance when all else failed.

"How far away is Krey Graymer?" she demanded.

"I don't know exactly. I said about ten miles."

"I don't believe you."

"Then why don't you send Rogues out to look for yourself?"

Debra's lip twitched and she lifted a hand to smack him again, pausing when Pip flinched. "Tim," she muttered and the Rogue who snitched on him stepped into the flickering light. He had no hair, broken teeth, but large hands and more muscle than the other Rogues.

Tim already knew what Debra wanted him to do. Without stalling, he crouched by Pip, grabbed the scruff of Pip's waterproof coat and slapped him hard across the face.

This time, Pip's head spun sharply to the left and for a moment, the loud slap was all he heard echoing in the cave room. His ears rang, his face stung, and his head pounded.

"Don't!" Julie wailed, tugging hopelessly on the rusted chains with her weak skinny arms.

"I'm guessing you guys had a nice little chat then?" Debra was pleased with the way Pip grimaced in pain.

Pip had expected some sort of violence. The werewolf world revolved around it. He put on a brave face, desperately blinking back his tears. Crying and begging for mercy hadn't helped him in the past. "You had a bond once. You should know that I can't tell you exactly where Krey is. You should know that it doesn't work like that." Pip wanted to yell, but he stayed calm and quiet. Debra didn't need more of a reason to kill him. Being Krey's mate was enough for her.

"Then why did you say he was close when he's still ten miles away?" Debra lifted fingers to Pip's hot stinging cheek.

Pip edged away. He felt eyes on him from the Rogues and the prisoner's opposite. "Because that's close compared to a hundred miles." Pip held his breath as Debra looked him up and down again.

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