Chapter 49

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Pip had rummaged through most of the new books, and he wanted to take most of them home with him but decided to pick only one book full of short stories. At least he would have a reason to return to the town, and the library to see his beloved old friends more often.

Pip hoped Krey would let him visit more. He understood why Krey was so scared to venture the woods beyond the fence, but a visit every few months wouldn't hurt.

"Oh look, Pip with a book. What a familiar sight," Francis grinned. "Krey phoned five minutes ago. He's walking home now with um..." Francis glanced around the large room. Bethan crouched by a low bookshelf full of study books, and Rocket sat at one of the computers playing solitaire. "Krey got the journal and the papers."

"He did? That's so great!" Pip beamed. Relief flooded him. He had thought constantly about where the journal had got to, and what was in it, and whether the content would be used against them if the journal was in the wrong hands. "We can read it when we get back. Is Krey meeting us here?"

"I'm not sure. He'll most likely text to say when he's back."

Pip sat on the couch he lived on when the Town was his home. He used to have a college bag full of homework, or a lap full of other people's homework. Pip didn't miss studying but giving up his A-Levels and missing his exams felt very wrong. Still, he had no use for grades in a werewolf world.

"Remember when I pretended that I studied Geology, and you let me look through your PowerPoint full of different types of rocks?" Francis mused, plopping herself down next to him.

"Yes. I was so gullible."

"I crafted a believable lie," Francis chuckled. "You were innocent enough to believe I was telling the truth."

"I thought you had no reason to lie," Pip smiled. "I just really wanted friends."

"Bless you. Now you have a full Pack of them, and a boyfriend."

Pip sighed contently. "A boyfriend."

Francis then checked her watch. "Debra said she'd meet us one minute ago. Rocket, can you check if Debra is here."

Rocket had to tear his eyes from the screen. "Yep!" he rushed through the library, smiling awkwardly at the librarians who all watched him leave.

They had asked Pip if these were his university friends. Pip just said they were friends of his boyfriend, which of course, sparked many more questions.

"You used to spend a lot of time in here, didn't you?" Francis trailed the room. She could see why. The library was warm, bright, homely, and had thousands of books for Pip to indulge himself in every evening. Though Pip spent a lot of time in the library because he didn't want to go home. He used to live with monsters. Now he lived with monsters with a heart.

"This felt like my actual home. Well, until I moved into the Packhouse."

"And you feel like that is truly your home now?"

"Yes, after Krey's apology, the atmosphere just feels, I don't know, lighter?"

"Yeah, I feel that too. It's like Krey finally cleared the air. I'm proud of him."

"Me too," Pip agreed. He couldn't wait to see him, and they had only been apart for less than an hour.

They waited a few minutes and Rocket didn't return. "I hope he's not hitting on Debra," Francis joked.

"I don't think he knows how to talk about anything other than running," Bethan said, sniggering with Francis. "I do smell a new human, though. Should I check?"

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