Chapter 43

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The canteen was rather odd when it was empty. Krey, in a mad rage, had smashed it up earlier that year and they had to replace most of the tables and chairs. Those were different times, harder times. Krey felt embarrassed as he thought about that day. His embarrassment was Krey growing. For a while, he blamed the rage on everything other than his own lack of control. Now he had nobody to blame but himself.

Pip pulled him into the kitchen where the sound of the boiling kettle soon drowned out the dull humming of the fridge.

They carried their drinks in small red flasks to the games room. Krey made a seating area on the courtyard outside with the couch cushions and blankets, thankful that the night sky was clear, and the moon was bright.

They followed the fence around the field for a while. In the dark, everything looked different, even the woods. Krey loved to feel like a shadow blending into the darkness. Pip walked close to him, peering through the fence as though he expected something to be there, waiting to jump out on him.

Pip relaxed when they returned to the stone yard. They sat together on the cushions, drank their tea and stared up at the stars twinkling above. Every day, the sun rose later and later. Krey loved the summer sun because of the early dawns. Now he waited longer for the glorious site. Still, day and night had their uses. Krey loved the moon as much as he loved the sun. Pip just liked a clear sky, no matter the time.

"Do you think my dreams mean something?" Pip asked when his flask was empty, and his head was clear.

"Like what?"

"Like... I don't know." Pip pressed his lips together and pulled the blanket tighter around himself. The air had cooled a lot through the night. "Maybe they're trying to tell me something about the key and Jordan."


"I don't know." Pip felt Krey's hand sneak under the blanket and coil around his waist. "I can't stop thinking about what happened in the woods with me sensing the Rogues, and I know you can't either."

Krey wasn't sure if he would talk to Pip about it, or simply ignore it in case it didn't happen again. "Sensing them was odd, yes. You read one of the books about mates. Did it say anything about human mates and what would happen to you because of the bond?"

"Yes. It said I might be more spiritually aware, but it's not been explored yet."

"It said that?"

Pip nodded.

"Then... I think you're becoming more spiritually aware."

"Of werewolves?"

"Yeah." Krey then titled his head, looking Pip up and down with a thoughtful, sleepy expression. "I think an Alpha on the border of Scotland has a human mate, and I think they've been mates for like twenty years or something. There are very little Alpha's with human mates. Well, Alpha's who are in charge of their packs. I could ask them for more information about human bonds."

"That would be great!" Pip beamed. "I mean, if you want to. You don't have to talk to a pack you don't know just for me."

"I'd do anything for you." They smiled at each other. "I'll have to get in touch anyway if the whole of England will form an alliance to find the Bedlam Alpha."

"Will you do that tomorrow?"

"Yes." Krey's eyes, dark like the earth's soil, expanded towards the darkness. "The sooner, the better." He didn't want to make Pip anxious by talking about that in the dead of night, so he changed the subject by pinching his side.

Pip jolted. "Hey!" He nipped Krey back. Krey didn't even flinch and Pip raised a brow. "Weird."

"How is that weird? You can't even bare to have your feet touched because your reflexes would kick me. That's weird."

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