Chapter 27

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Pip went to bed that night feeling a tiny spark of hope deep in his soul. The excitement might've stemmed from how he planned to talk to Krey tomorrow, so he was looking forwards to being with him. That was all what mates really wanted. He also saw a difference in Krey that wasn't there before. Today, while he had laid in the sun with Francis, watching the clouds go by, he had felt determination from Krey, like he was really trying.

Pip wanted to believe that Krey was in the process of trying to prove himself, and he was more optimistic about the future than he was that morning. He didn't hurt as much either, but the pain was slowly creeping back into his limbs. This time, his headache was behind his eyes, stinging them, and hurting like sharp aches when he moved.

He gritted his teeth and went to bed, hugging the blanket that smelt a little like Krey, and with the note Krey had written next to him on the pillow.

Sleep didn't come soon. Pip tossed and turned for hours. Every time he closed his eyes to drift, his heart would hammer in his chest, and his mind would spiral. Eventually, he fell asleep, but he didn't have nice dreams.

He dreamt of his parent's death, and snarling wolves, and Sid. Pip stirred for what felt like hours. Then he fell into a dream where he was at Crescent Town, and all the locals were chasing him, and Pip couldn't run fast enough, and they were getting closer, and yelling awful things about how his parents hated him, and were embarrassed of him, and they were closing the gap behind him, and Pip still couldn't run fast enough. They were getting closer, and closer until it felt like someone whispered right in his ear.

Pip leapt from his sleep and yelped aloud. He darted around the dark room until he found the corner and sank into it. He trembled and wrapped arms around himself when he realised that Krey wasn't there to do it for him. Krey was always there when Pip had a nightmare, and he was always so comforting.

"Oh god," Pip said and pulled knees to his chest. He cried into them until his head pounded so fiercely, he had to hold onto it. "Why is it all such a mess?" he sobbed to himself, feeling so lonely and so cold.

He calmed down eventually, but the loneliness still circled. The room was too quiet, and too dark, and too far from Krey. Pip knew he wouldn't fall asleep again that night, not if he stayed by himself. But he couldn't manage another sleepless night. Exhaustion already seeped into his bones. Pip would soon make himself sick and he was already feeling horrible because of the stretched bond.

"Enough now," Pip said to himself, breaking the silence. "I've had enough."

When he felt more awake, and the dream was less terrifying, he bundled the blanket in his arms and left the room in dark green pyjamas and bare feet. He tiptoed along the corridor that lit up automatically. The institute had a calming feeling at night, but recently, the hairs on Pip's neck stood on end. After the library incident, nowhere felt safe.

The stairwell was so quiet, and still, he almost scurried back to the room, but he had to be in the same room as Krey, otherwise he could kiss the promise of sleep goodbye.

He decided to run up them, two at a time, dragging the yellow blanket behind him. He was out of breath when he reached the third floor and he was very awake. The sight of their door with their painted names was so welcoming, Pip's chest loosened as he hurried towards it.

He felt Krey's calmness and knew he was asleep. Pip was glad. Krey had looked tired earlier that day, and almost sickly. He needed to rest, so he could think more clearly, and Pip knew he needed that.

He turned the handle and cringe at the short squeak when he peeked into the room lit by only the moonlight. It levelled perfectly with the skylight, basking Krey in a silver glow. He was curled on his side of the bed, and on top of the duvet wearing only black pyjama bottoms.

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