Chapter 24

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The day dragged for both Krey and Pip. As they spent their time on opposite sides of the building, the pack wandered aimlessly between them, not sure what to do, or what to expect for their future. Pip had tried to go to the games room to play board games with Rocket and the rest of the running club but laughing and smiling felt wrong when his soulmate was locked away, lonely and depressed.

Of course, the wolves understood and didn't pester Pippor when he curled up in the corner of the room to read his book. Pip wanted to go to his library, but that was too close to Krey and he wasn't yet ready to speak without getting angry or upset.

The evening felt like an eternity, and Pip soon realised why. He had stayed up later than normal, and only looked up from his book when he noticed the silence. It was 2am, and he was probably the only one awake, apart from Krey.

The Alpha sat on the couch, staring hopeless around the bedroom that smelt less and less like Pip with each passing hour. Krey had to get through another lonely night, and he was wondering if he should stay up all night or try to sleep on the couch. He couldn't sleep on the bed again, not by himself.

Pip absence spoke loudly. Krey expected him to creep back and forgive him, but he had done his best to keep his distance. Krey was sure Pip would find him after seeing him in the canteen during breakfast, but Pip didn't even get close.

How many more days will he avoid me?

The night crawled on, then the day passed him by, and Krey found himself alone for a third night. He didn't see Pip yesterday because he was careful not to go where he could smell him. Pip wanted space and Krey was doing his best to respect that.

"This fucking hurts," he muttered, glaring from his window and clutching his chest. Krey threw the notepad onto his bed. He tried to write an apology, but his words didn't feel authentic enough. He meant every word, but it was too simple and cold. "How do I be emotional?" Krey wrapped arms around himself. I need Pip. Every waking moment, he thought about his mate. The longer they were apart, the more desperate they were to be together.

Krey was hurting, therefore Pip would be hurting too. "Stubborn little shit," Krey mumbled, thinking of Pip's cute dimples. "God I love him." Pip's mental strengths impressed Krey more each day. Krey knew he stayed away for so long to show him how mad he was, and how done he was with Krey's behaviour.

Krey needed to show his mate how much he was sorry. Storming up to Pip and kissing him senseless was not good enough. Krey wasn't sure if Pip was waiting for him to approach, or if he was waiting for Pip to approach. Soon, one of them would cave and find the other.

He's stronger than me.

Krey fell asleep on the windowsill and woke to his shoulder hitting the wooden floor. He groaned and rolled onto his back, staring at the skylight in his ceiling. Clouds stared back. Krey only had to sniff the air to know who was in his room too. "Francis," he said with a soft tone. "What are you doing here?"

"To see how you're getting on with the apologies." Francis crossed one leg over the other and linked her fingers with several golden rings. Her dark hair was slicked back into a ponytail exploding with curls. She wore black jeans, a white vest and a purple denim Jacket with a wolf's head embroidered on the back. Pip had gotten her patches to sew on for her birthday, so now she had a moon on her left shoulder, and 'No.1 Beta' on the left chest. "I'll be honest, your words are a bit... blunt." She had spent the past twenty minutes flicking through the notebook full of scribbled out sentences. Krey looked so at ease on the windowsill, she didn't want to wake him.

"I know," Krey sighed, sitting up with a throbbing head. "I'm emotionless. I don't know how to... to..."

"Express your feelings?" Francis had stepped up to be Krey's friend, not just his Beta. He needed tough love, and after a few days of not seeing him, she hoped Krey was a bit more eager for help. "You've always been that way but look how far it's gotten you."

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