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Raven has added 785-473-2838

raven: sup my dudes

785-473-2838: tf is this?

785-164-0199: who the hell are all of you?

785-262-2849: bro tf?

785-249-4022: sup bitches

785-292-1046: is this some depressing way to make friends or something?

raven: the disrespect in this chat

785- 473-2838: but like why are we here tho?

raven: well you all happen to have gone to my highschool 2 years ago

785-164-0199: so you added a bunch of complete strangers that went to your school to a group chat?
Can I ask why?

raven: I was bored

785-292-1046: understandable

raven: we should introduce ourselves
you know so that I know that y'all aren't old dudes

785-164-0199: you go first

raven: gladly

raven: sup, the names raven

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raven: sup, the names raven. I'm 20 and I'm into mechanics. I'm in my freshman year of college majoring in mechanical engineering. Also I'm the big gay

785-249-4022: daMN girl, I'm Octavia, and im 19. I love nature and I'm a adventure junkie.

octavia: also I look like this

785-164-0199: why should I expose myself to strangers?

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785-164-0199: why should I expose myself to strangers?

785-473-2838: ^^^

raven: cuz you might meet life long friends?

785-292-1046: well I have nothing better to do so hey, I'm Katie. I'm 20 and I like reading and acting.

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