CHAPTER 1: The Start of the Clueless Quest

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Prim's POV:

I am still buffled to where I should start this unnecessary quest....well for the Goddess it's necessary..

I am currently walking into the dark alleyway of Cairu, Cairu is a small village here in the kingdom of Verar. It is my home village, this is where I grew up.

While walking,I heard clash of spells in one of the four army stations in the village


I walked there quickly and saw some of the casters of the village fighting with the witches

"Yo, uglies...the nerve of you to go here and show your shitty faces knowing that their are enchanters here" I yelled

"Enchanters? Don't make me laugh young man, I heard that the twelve powerful enchanters here were banished by the goddess" the leader yelled back at me

Who told them that?

"Who told you that" I asked

"It's none of your business, brat"she spat at me

Well..that's rude

"Haha...did that gossip shit of a person also told you that there is still one enchanter left here?"

The witches laughed at me

"Hahaha...then who would that be?" The bald witch with a very ugly and pimpled long nose asked me

"That would be me,witch"I spat back

The witches laughed at me again

Well..I'm going to show them who they are laughing at

While they are still laughing, I casted an enchantment spell to them

"I command the magic power of this filthy witches be zero, Les magia, enchant!" I casted

That's when the witches stopped laughing and they crouched to the ground..probably weak

"So, you really is an enchanter"the leader said panting

Huhh...whose laughing now huh!!!

"Yes, I told you and you laughed at me, now suffer from the consequence"I replied

After that, I told the remaining casters to get the witches and lock them up to the Chambers

I then proceeded to the direction of my house

While walking, a blinding light hit me in the face and there again stood the Goddess

"Goddess, nice to meet you again, after you vanished while I'm not done talking the other day"I said jokingly

"You have started the quest"she replied

"Huh?..I didn't even know where to is this quest and you're telling me that I had started? really is confusing me Goddess"

"You had started my child and you didn't even know you started"


"Ehh..Goddess,what??"I then again asked the Goddess

She smiled and stared at me...long..

"Ehmm...Goddess you're creeping me out"

"You are really clueless"she said

Yup...I am buffled to this quest and I am also confused of what the goddess is talking about

While thinking, the goddess raised her right hand to the sky and a sharp light shoot from the sky to her hand

"What's that goddess?"I asked

She showed me a paper with connected stars

"This is a map"

A map? More like a constellation

"A map?" I asked

"Yes, and you will need it" the Goddess simply answered

"You see that star with a different color?" she asked me and pointed a star in the left part of the map and I saw a star that is color red while the other stars are color white

"Yes"I said

"That's your first challenge of the quest and you completed it"


"Eh..what exactly is the first challenge Goddess"I asked

She sighed in defeat because of my cluelessness...

"The first challenge of the quest is to introduce the remaining enchanter to the witches,well it's not really a challenge but it is part of the quest"she replied

That's it???

It's so easy

"Well that's easy!!!"I cheered happily

"So what's next Goddess"I asked

The goddess gave me the map and pointed the next star

"That's next"

"Ok..that's next, but where is it Goddess?"I asked confused

"Ask the map"

Ask the map?

So the map has a brain and can understand language..hmm interesting

But how?

"How goddess?"

"Ask the map"she again replied and left to I don't know

She is really confusing me....urghhh
This is frustrating..

I looked at the map and stared at it like it will answer me by just staring at it.

"You know the Goddess is confusing me right?"I said

Now I'm not only buffled by this quest but also I'm now going crazy talking to a map that will not talk nor answer me in language

After contemplating whether to keep the map to me because the Goddess told me to keep it or just throw it somewhere and let it rot because I think it is useless, I finally came into a decision that I should give it a try and ask the map of where is my next challenge of the quest...

"You know map, I'm going to ask you something and if luckily you will be able to answer me then I'm keeping you,but if not I'm sorry but I'll have to throw you away and let you rot, so be cooperative alright?"I told the map and of course I received no response

"Where is the next challenge of the quest"I asked

After about 3 seconds,the next star that is connected to the first star glowed and suddenly an island like figure appeared surrounding the star and below the glowing star is the name of the island

Island of Burma...

Burma!!! I know that island

A sigh of relief escaped my mouth but soon it was replaced by a loud what because of the realization of what is in the island..


"I'm done"I whispered to myself



This is the first chapter of the story and I'm sorry because it's short but I hope you liked it..

This is my first story and I'm sorry if I didn't reach your expectations but hey..with every prosper their is a first right???

Updates are every Wednesday guys,I know that's a slow update but don't worry it's not fixed, I'll try to update if I'm not busy..

ENCHANTER: The Quest of the Remaining One (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now