CHAPTER 32: The Maze Library

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After the unsuccessful invasion of westernians in the tribe of Pana, people from the tribe decided to evacuate the area and find another place to start. As the oldest member of the tribe, baba Tana Quishi instructed everyone to find a new home. It is just so sad that many of them were killed mercilessly, specially men.

Fabian, Sergio, Ren, and I decided to stay untill noon to help the tribe treat the wounded ones and also to secure their safety incase the westernians will return.


It began.

So the westernians took the chance to invade and conquer other kingdoms knowing that the other eleven enchanters and I are not there to stop them.

Yes, Verar has casters and other magicians but they will not stood a chance against the seven and the generals. We, enchanters, are far more powerful and stronger than casters and other types of magicians in terms of power levels and physical abilities.

But, even if I'm an enchanter, I'm still not trained enough and powerful enough to face the dark enchanters and the generals, let alone the dark lord.

I really, really need to find all the necklaces and free my fellow enchanters, the sooner, the better.

I know, at this point, westernians started invading all the continents and that'll be very hard to stop if I didn't reunite with my fellow enchanters sooner.

"What are you thinking?" Fabian asked me worriedly. I sighed because of that and replied nothing.

"Ok, whatever it is, I'm here for you.." he continued with a small smile. I returned his smile and nodded.

Should I tell him what's bothering me or not?

Should I?


He was about to return back to helping the tribe when I held his elbow and talked.

"You know, I, I am just worried about the quest, that's all.." I finally spat out to him. His expression softened then gave me a warm smile. He then raised his left hand then patted my head carefully.

"That's all right, I know you will complete this quest in no time.." he encouraged me. I sighed for the second time then finally smiled to him.

"Don't worry about it, ok?" He continued which I nodded in reply.

"Ok...thanks.." I finally muttered. He slightly chuckled which made me also chuckle then after that, he returned back to helping the rest of the tribe. While walking, I followed his pace with my eyes.


I think it's time for our relationship to move to the more serious part.

I think it's time for us to be an actual couple.

But when should I tell him that?


When noon time came, we finally left the tribe and continued our journey in finding the last three necklaces. At this moment, I still don't have the courage to tell Fabian my answer about our relationship, I don't know why, it's easy to say my answer but it's hard to do and I don't have any clue why I'm nervous about it.

One thing is for sure though, I'll tell him before this day pass.

Back to the quest..

The river showed me that an abandoned maze library is located in the farther west. I asked baba Tana Quishi about the library but she doesn't know where exactly it is considering that the tribe are only allowed to roam and hunt around their perimeter.

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