CHAPTER 15: Elfen Lands

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Is it possible to fall in love more to the one you fancy just by looking at them?

If yes, then my feelings grew stronger and stronger every second, every minute just by seeing Fabian laugh with his crew...

His laugh is like music to me, so loud yet so addicting...

Well, they are laughing because the past day was hilarious. Fabian's plan of escape was successful, I feel bad for the princess though, even though she was my rival in Fabian's attention and  her feelings towards Fabian was not returned, nobody deserves to be treated that way and be dumped in their wedding..

I raised my left hand which holds the map and looked at it to check where is my next challenge of the quest.

I already asked the map of where is our next destination but I was captivated in Fabian's laugh awhile ago that made me lose my concentration on the map.

Venillarie (pronounced as ve-ni-la-ri) it says.

Venillarie is an Elfen kingdom in the northern Continent or Continent of Bevania. It is the only kingdom in the northern region actually.

Elves are no like the other living civilizations that I had encountered in the past, they are divine creatures with captivating beauty, beautiful but not as much beautiful like fairies. They are skilled swordsmen and archers. They are living in large trees. Their skins are pale, whiter than white. They have this pointed ears and their statures are so much larger than humans.

"So....what are we now?" I was slightly startled when I heard Fabian asked.

I don't get what he meant by the way.

"What do you mean, what are we now?" I asked still puzzled by Fabian's question.

Fabian smiled at me and looked at me happily.

"What I mean in what are we-" while pointing at me and back at him simultaneously, "-is that, are we boyfriends now?" He finished suggestively.


"Oh.." I replied awkwardly.

I smiled because of the thought of him being 'my' boyfriend made my insides churn.

My smile turned into a smirk when a thought crossed my mind.

"We are not boyfriends-" I said and the expression in Fabian's face is priceless,"-yet" I finished and Fabian's face turned into a questioning one.

"What do you mean, not yet?" He asked and my smirk grew wider.

"You should court me first and bring me to dates" I said

"What? I thought we are in the same track when we confessed to each other yesterday?" He said acting like a child.

"Yes, but you should court me first" I said and faced about him.

He stamped his feet like a child and sighed because of irritation.

"You are more reserved than a girl" he said and I faced him again

I narrowed my eyes on him playfully.

"Court me first" I replied and rolled my eyes on him. I left him and went inside the ship's cabin.

"OK FINE!!" I heard Fabian shouted outside.

I smiled to myself and went to sit in one of Fabian's sofas inside the cabin.

After about half an hour, I heard the double doors open and Fabian entered.

He went in front of me but I didn't give him a glance. I inspected the necklaces in my left and right hands, two on my right, one on my left.

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