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The seven dark enchanters together with the three generals and the dark lord is in the kingdom's meeting hall. They are having a meeting about their previous invasions to the other continents.

"What's the update of our invasion to the other kingdoms? Our Lord wants to know" The first general, Indiani Malcofini asked. He is the first and the strongest general of the whole western kingdom. A bald man with different nose rings and eye rings.

Indiana Malcofini is a master of dark magic and formulas. He also mastered the art of strategizing and planning, thus, he is appointed as the highest general.

"I'm proud to say that my division successfully invaded and conquered the kingdom of Lenore, my Lord..." Shura Nimfoni replied. She is one of the dark enchanters. A woman with long black hair, red eyes, and pale skin. She is very beautiful but evil.

Shura Nimfoni is one of the three dark enchanters who mastered dark enchantments in a short period of time. She is also one of the top six most powerful magicians in the western kingdom. She is from the state of Irdar.

"Good!" Says the first general.

"My division on the other hand is also successful in conquering the kingdom of Alfas, my Lord..." Another enchanter, Zhara Aega (aye-ga) replied with a proud smile. She is a woman with blonde short hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. Just like Shura, Zhara is also beautiful but evil.

Even though she haven't mastered dark enchantments, she is a pro in creating formulas. Despite her not being on the top six most powerful magicians in the western kingdom, she is still impressively super powerful. She is from the state of Zazedar.

"Just like them, my Lord, my division wiped out the royal family and conquered the kingdom of Verar successfully.." another enchanter, Ban Dhernok (der-nak) stated proudly. He is a fine man with shoulder length black hair and brown eyes.

Ban Dhernok is also one of the three dark enchanters who mastered dark enchantments, thus, he is one of the top six most powerful magicians in the western kingdom. He is from the state of Jedar.

"Those are good news. Now, the entire continent of Alkalis is in the hands of our Lord.." the second general, Pavino Escotini, stated. He is a muscular man with short hair and emerald green eyes.

Pavino Escotini is needless to say, one of the top six most powerful magicians in the western kingdom. He is also a master of dark magic and a tactician.

"Indeed, but how about the continent from the north?" The third general, Mizcovich Alefari, asked. He is a lean man with red short hair, Red eyes, and is wearing glasses.

Mizcovich Alefari is again, one of the top six most powerful magicians in the western kingdom. He also mastered dark magic and just like Pavino, he is also a tactician.

"Im sssorry my Lord but, even with my power and the number of my divission, conquering the continent of Bevania iss hard.." another enchanter, Laile (lay-li) Ishra stated with an apologetic gaze directing to the dark lord who is sitting at the center of the long table. She is a bald woman with snake eyes and dark skin.

Laile Ishra is actually the seventh most powerful magician in the western kingdom. She is nearly done in mastering dark enchantments. She is from the state of Nudar.

"Just like her, my invasion to the continent of Subevania is a failure..I actually encountered Prim, one of the twelve Eastern enchanters. He is the reason why I failed.." Chaea Lire (lay-ri) stated apologetically. She has a dishelve black hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin.

Chaea Lire is pretty powerful even though she is the youngest enchanter, she is at the age of 27 at the moment. She is from the state of Cansedar.

"That's pathetic. How can you lose to someone who is not in our level?" Another enchanter, Van Wasivi stated with creased forehead. He is a tall man with short green hair and emerald green eyes.

Van Wasivi is a very hot headed man. He is also aggressive and violent. His anger always intensifies his aura and magic power. He is from the state of Debar.

" Prim is his name? I have encountered him in Binzacar and I almost fought him but you all called for a meeting.." Nemar Vashna stated while rubbing his chin. He is the oldest in the seven. He is a skinny man with short black hair and brown eyes.

Nemar Vashna is one of the top six most powerful magicians of the western kingdom. He is the first one among the seven who mastered dark enchantments and he is also almost done mastering all the formulas. Needless to say that he is very powerful, a lot more powerful than the other six enchanters. He is from the state of Binzacar.

"I underestimated him though. I just saw in my fortune eyes that he used the infinity formula to defeat the soldiers whom I enchanted as minotaurs. I can now see that he can defeat some of the seven in a one on one battle..." Nemar continued.

Suddenly, the whole meeting room was engulfed by complete silence when the generals and the seven dark enchanters felt the terrifying and super heavy aura of their king.

"I want all of you to eliminate our remaining enemies before they can see light and hope. Prepare your divisions for a huge war and kill anyone who wishes to fight us!!" The dark lord exclaimed. His voice rang loudly inside the huge meeting room.

"I want the elves, eastern enchanters, and the fairies blood served in a silver platter!" He stated and his heavy aura intensified.

The whole room was engulfed by a suffocating pressure.

"The whole world is MINE!!" he continued then stood up from his seat and exited the meeting room.


See ya all into the next book!!

ENCHANTER: The Quest of the Remaining One (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now