CHAPTER 2: Island of thieves

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Can someone please remind me why am I in this God forsaken Island?

Oh's because of that quest

Now I'm currently walking,well more like sneaking in this dark street of the pirate island and let me tell you, it's disgusting here

While sneaking, I saw two pirates coming to my direction so I did what every sane person will do when they encounter people who are scary, I hid in the stock of wooden jug beside what seems like a bar..

The two pirates stopped just in front of the wooden jug while talking

"Captain Fabian told the crew this afternoon that he know where the chest of golds is, it's in the island of Nevada" one of the two pirates said

"Island of Nevada, isn't it the island of titanoboas?"the other one says

"Yes, it's dangerous, but if the chest of golds will be ours, we will become super rich, and I also heard that the titanoboa has the necklace of one of the 12 enchanters of the kingdom of  Verar and inside that necklace is the owner of the necklace"

Upon hearing that, I immediately came out from my hiding spot

The two pirates were surprised of my sudden appearance

"Bring me to your Captain" I told them

They look at each other quickly and back at me

"Who are you?" The taller one with a pirate cup and worn out black jacket and jeans asked me

"I am one of the 12 enchanters of the kingdom of Verar"I replied

They look at each other and laughed

Why is everyone laughing at me?

First the witches and now, pirates??

"Don't bluff at us young man, you, one of the 12 enchanters of the kingdom of Verar? Oh please...."the shorter one with worn out black shirt and gray pants told me

" want me to show you?"I asked

They looked at me skeptically and laughed

"Ok, come with us and let us show you the captain, Mr. Enchanter"the taller one mocked at me

And they laughed at their own joke again

When we arrived at the captains ship,the three of us entered what seems like the den of the captain

"Captain Fabian, a Verarian who claims himself as one of the 12 enchanters is here and wants to see you"the shorter one said to the captain whose face is still hidden because his back is facing us

Slowly,the captain turned around and faced us, and when he turned, a small gasp escaped my lips because of him

The captain is so much younger than I thought, he is like 30 or so years old and I expected that he is about 60 and above,not just that but his face is so handsome with his thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, emerald green eyes, perfect nose, and kissable pink lips..

Oh Goddess, I almost peed my pants because of how gorgeous this creature is

I came back to my fantasies when he stood up and said..

"Like what you see?"he mocked at me

The other two pirates laughed but instead of feeling irritated, I felt a shock ran to my chest and down to my private pa-

"So, you are claiming that you are one of the 12 enchanters of the kingdom of Verar?"he cut me off

And once again, I came back to reality because of his question but I can't stop to be turned on because of how sexy his voice is, it's rough and low like it is meant to seduce every person who will listen to his voi-

A loud cough came from the captain brought me back to reality

I can't believe I zoned out many times because of this gorgeous captain who by the way is looking at me with question marks in his head (imagine it guys)

"I- I -y-yes, I'm one of the 12 enchanters of the kingdom of Verar"I stuttered

He looked at me with mocking eyes but he said nothing

"I am here to bargain with you"I continued

"Bargain?"he asked

"Yes,I heard that you are going to the island of titanoboa for the chest of golds and because I am an enchanter, I will help you get the chest" I replied

The captain looked at me with his gorgeous eyes

"What's to exchange to your proposal?" He asked

"I need you to help me get the necklace from the titanoboa"

"Why should I help you?"he again asked

Yeah, why should he help me?


"You will help me because I am also going to help you" I replied

He seems hesitant at first but after contemplating, he agreed..

"Deal" he simply replied

"I have only one condition" he said

Condition? Isn't it the condition is that I will help them get the chest and in exchange, they will also help me get the necklace?

Pirates are unbearable folks, mind that...

"Ok,fine...what is it"I asked

He looked at me for a second and said..

"You will become one of my crew"he nonchalantly replied to me

Me? One of his crew?

This is bad

Really bad

I'm going to be one of this pirates

I'm going to steal important and expensive things

I'm going to be a thief!!!

I sighed deeply like a bunch of air was stocked inside my mouth and thinked

This is for my fellow enchanters

I am going to do it for them, to break the curse.

I sighed again

"Fine"I answered defeated

The captain smiled and once again, I was captivated


He is a pirate and pirates are no trustworthy

Again, I'm dead


We are now plotting our adventure to the island of Nevada and it's frustrating and confusing because 1)I don't know what they are talking about, maybe some pirate language and 2) I am not a pirate

After the excruciating, nerve wrecking and confusing meeting or more like plotting, we are now ready to sail.

The captain called all his crew and instructed them some things.

After the "so" many instructions and reminders, we are REALLY ready to sail but before I can step foot to the ship, Fabian held my wrist and pulled me to what seems like the waiting station..

"Remember the deal" he said after he let my hands off from his grip

"Yeah"I said bored

"I am just reminding you"he said

Yeah right

After saying that, he quickly went to the ship but before he can entirely be on the ship he turned to me and yelled

"By the way, my crew becomes skeletons every night except me"

Oh crap...


Suppp guys......

Chapter twooooo

ENCHANTER: The Quest of the Remaining One (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now