CHAPTER 8: Companions

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Minutes have passed but here I am, still crying like a baby in Fabian's chest...

I still can't believe that he is here with me, hugging me......

There is still a part of me that is telling me that this is only in my imagination, that I am going to wake up and find myself inside the mini cave that I have found near the ocean sitting alone......

My thoughts were cut off because of Fabian...

" What's wrong?" he asked me with concern so I raised my head and looked at him, eye to eye.....

When our eyes met, thoughts and memories of his betrayal crossed my mind that made my eyes to furrow and narrow....

" What's the problem?" Fabian once again asked me, still wearing his concerned look...

I balled my right hand and hardly smacked his chest....

" You are my problem!!!" I shouted to him and smacked him again

" That's for bargaining me to a disgusting pirate" I said and smacked his chest again using my fisted right hand...

" That's for making me believe that you will help me" I continued and smacked his chest yet again...

".....and that is for breaking your promise to me" I finished

My eyes watered because of the 'breaking your promise' part and I don't know why...

I looked around and saw some of his crew laughing and some are murmuring but I can still hear what they are murmuring , like, 'the captain is really a heart breaker' and ' finally, the captain found his match'

Those words made my cheeks grow hot and made my stomach feel butterflies....

My focus returned to Fabian who instantly raised both of his hands in a sign of surrender and regret but the smirk that is plastered into his ugly face.......well, 'face' is telling me that he is not sincere...

I norrowed my eyes again...

" Can you please be serious for at least a moment?" I asked him, well more like plead to him....

He sighed making his smirk fade and both of his hands to return in his sides..

He looked at me and I can see the seriousness in his eyes....

He looked at his crew and ordered them to leave us alone....

His crew quickly went back to his ship, completely out of our sights but I am sure they can still here us....

After everyone left, Fabian reached for his left pocket, probably to get something and when he raised his left hand, my eyes became wide....

I looked at his left hand that is holding a necklace and I am sure, I know what it was...

My eyes went back to Fabian's eyes that is already looking at me...

" I know you know this" he simply said and reached the necklace to me..

I quickly grabbed the necklace and examined it....

" We were only supposed to get the chest and leave but I saw that in one of the titanoboa's horns so I tried my best to get it hoping that we will see each other again, and here we are" he continued, his voice calm

I looked back at him and smiled...

" I never thought that you will get this for me" I simply replied to him

" I know a-and I'm sorry if I betrayed you" he stuttered, my smile became wider because of his nervousness...

I can't believe I already forgave him after his betrayal to me, guess this is the power of lo-


It's not, oh my goddess it's not!!!!!


I diverted my eyes to the ground and looked at it as if it was the most beautiful and amazing thing....

It's not yet 'love', it's too soon to be can't be can't be lo-

"What's wrong" Fabian cut me off of my thoughts

"N-nothing" I stuttered

He smiled at me and my heart did flip flops again because of how handsome he is when he smiles...

" So, can you forgive me" he asked me with calculating eyes

"S-sure" I again replied, stuttering

His smile became wider because of my response and my heart yet again did flip flops but this time, it's times ten worse....

Oh my goddess....

" So, do you know where's your next destination?" He asked

Oh yeah!!!!

I quickly brought out the map in my right pocket and unfolded it...

Now that I have the first necklace, maybe the map will reveal the next destination of my next challenge of the quest..


I curiously looked at Prim who is holding a map that is looked like a constellation...

"Map, where is the next destination of the challenge of the quest?" He asked looking at the map

The action almost made me laugh because seriously? Why is he talking to a map....

I forced myself not to laugh and looked at Prim who is very focused and very serious in asking the 'map'

My mocking was cut off when a white star glowed and became red...

" That's it?" Prim stated

What's that's it?

"What's that's it?" I asked him and he looked at me

"The map showed the destination of my next challenge of the quest but the map did not reveal the name of the island" he said...

That makes sense because the other two red stars has the names of the islands written just below it...

"Maybe, it is a lost island" I told him

He just looked at me and diverted back his eyes to the map and searched back and front of it as if to get more details to where the next island is...

Maybe it is a lost island...

I heard from the past that there are lost islands that can only be found and reach by powerful people....

Prim is an enchanter and everybody knows that enchanters are very powerful so maybe he can reach and find those lost islands....

I came back to reality when I heard Prim groaned...

He is slightly pouting that made him a million times cuter, well that is an exaggeration but that's not the point...

I don't know how and when I have developed this 'feelings' for him...

I thought I will find a woman and love a woman someday and loving another man never crossed my mind, not untill this moment, not untill I found him....

I didn't even know that I will love a man not untill I met him..nor I am gay

But I guess, I am only gay for him...

It's been only days since I have met him and my feelings for him is getting stronger by the second and it's making me crazy at the same time scared....

I don't know what I'll do if I completely fall in love with him only to find out that it is only one sided....

But most of all, I am scared that someday, he will realise that pirates like me is not worth loving...

...that pirates like me are promise breakers....


Andddd here is  chaptahhh 8

Hope you like it guys...

~june 17,2020

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