CHAPTER 7: Collision of Paths

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I am currently washing dishes.. well, more like controlling the sponge and the plates using my magic because you know, I am lazy.

I had finished cleaning and organizing things in the house just a while ago, that explains why I am cheating right now in washing the dishes. Well after washing the dishes, I can finally stretch my tired limbs and relax.

While sitting and relaxing, Beckett, the old man who offered me to stay in his house for free, barged in,  holding a basket of I don't know.

"What is that" I asked him while standing up and make my way to him.

He looked at me then smiled.

"Basket of Apples which I bought in the market" He casually answered while checking the basket then placing it to the dining table.

Now, thinking of roaming around took my interest. I know that it is dangerous because there is a huge chance that Arvar and his crew are here in the island searching for me, though, I seem to not give it any care.

I just need to be very careful and be alert at all times if really 'they' are searching for me here in the island, and if ever they presumed that I am hiding here.

Hope not.

"May I roam around the island for a bit? I'll be back by sunset.." I asked the old man, hopeful.

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me skeptically, like he is examining me.

"Your gaze is suspicious" I told him jokingly.

He sighed and nodded.

"Okay, you can go but as you have promised, be back by sunset" he said calmly but you can hear in his voice that he is serious.

I smiled at him and nodded.

"I promise" I simply replied to him and dashed out of the house.

When I am finally out, I breathed and inhaled the very fresh air that the trees are providing.

It's afternoon now, probably 3 in the afternoon and luckily, it's not that hot because the road is protected by various trees that protects anyone from the heat coming from the sun.

While exploring around, I saw a perfect spot for relaxation that is hidden from everyone's view.

The spot is like a cave with an exterior of stones, placed in an arc shape form. I went inside the mini cave and sat there, inhaling the calming scent of the sea.

While I am inside the mini cave, the things that had happened to me for the past days came back to me. How the Goddess suddenly banished all my eleven fellow enchanters to nowhere, of how the Goddess took me into a mission, a quest to be exact, just to find my fellow enchanters and reunite with them to break the curse and honestly, I still don't know how and why my fellow enchanters end up with a curse, well except me. Then the thoughts of Fabian also crossed my mind. Truthfully, I am not that bothered anymore of why I am always thinking of 'him.' I just realized that I had found feelings for him that I still don't want to name nor accept.

Have I told you, everyone, that I am gay?

Well, if not, now you know.

The thought of Fabian made me sigh. I had admitted that I had found feelings for him but I still can't forget the betrayal he did to me. There is a stinging feeling inside my chest by just thinking of his betrayal to me.

I sighed again and the things that happened to me in Arvar's ship crossed my mind. If Fabian makes me feel butterflies in my stomach, Arvar makes me feel disgusted, he disgusts me.

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