CHAPTER 39: Almost Perfect

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Ren's sub team is already making their way into the northern part of the northern tower. Inspite their situation of being invisible, they are still walking slowly and cautiously.

Prim's sub team on the other hand is doing the same. Their every steps are soft like cottons even though they know that nobody would notice them nor heard their steps.

While Ren's sub team is making their way into where the necklace is, Sergio's division on the other hand is watching the guards and making reports of what's happening once in a while, same as what Fabian's division is doing into the western tower.


The insides of the tower is so dark and the only source of light guiding us to where we are walking is from the small torches that are fixed into the walls.

Upon walking, we are met by a double metal door that is not locked. I tried to cross the metal door but found out that it was enchanted with an anti invisibility enchanment.

Whoever did that is very clever.

"The door is enchanted with an anti invisibility enchantment..we can't pass..." I told my sub team who are all looking at the metal doors.

"What now then?" Someone asked.

I was speechless for a moment because I honestly don't know what to do about the situation. We didn't consider this kind of instances.

Alternative plan.


"I believe, if the doors are enchanted with an anti invisibility spell, the whole room is also protected by it, meaning, we can't also pass the walls of the room.." someone explained.

Good point.

"The only way we can get in is to physically open the metal doors.." I stated while looking at the said door.

"But if we do that, there's a possibility that the enemies will notice our presence.." I continued then sighed.

This is harder than I thought.

"Wait. What if you break the anti invisibility spell, that way, we can finally pass through that metal doors.." someone suggested and my face instantly beamed.

I'm really amazed by how smart and witty are Fabian's men.

"Good idea. Let me try.." I stated then looked around to see if anyone is looking at our direction even though they can't see us nor feel our presence.

This better work.

" Cancellation of anti invisibility enchantment, nes mahika gandria, enchant!" I recited. I don't know if my cancellation enchanment worked because it seems like nothing happened.

"Did it work?" Someone asked behind me.

"I don't know. Let me try.." I replied and tried to cross the double metal doors.

I was glad when I successfully crossed the metal doors while I'm invisible. Whoever casted the anti invisibility enchantment didn't strengthen it – I'm glad.

"The enchantment was weak..we can pass through the double doors now.." I told everyone who smiled to each other then me.

When we are finally inside the room, we are met by many valuable and important artifacts, even swords and bows. I quickly went into the direction of the necklace which is beautifully placed into a stand, light directing through it. I reached my hand into the stand and quickly snatched the necklace.


But I wonder why there are no guards guarding the area.

Well, that doesn't matter, I'll take this an advantage.

"Let's go. I got it.." I told everyone who are all looking around the room.

"Can I at least get this before we leave?" Someone asked while pointing to a sword. I rolled my eyes to him then nodded.

Pirates..I groaned to my mind.

The man who I believe is Hugh then immediately get the sword.

"Wait. How can he touch and hold the sword if we are invisible?" Someone, I believe, Abe, asked.

Good question.

"It's because our minds controls the  invisibility enchantment. If we want  to cross a wall with the invisibility enchanment, we can. If we want to touch something while we are in the influence of invisibility enchantment, we can.." I explained and everyone nodded in understanding.


"Then..I also want to get that.." Abe said then went to the direction of a bow.

The rest, except me, then also went to the artifacts they want then get it.

This is not surprising.

When my sub team finally got 'their' artifacts, we immediately left the area.

I just hope the other team is successful.


Prim and his sub team finally left the room and met with Fabian's division in the southern part of the tower where the entrance slash exit is. The team decided to follow Ren and Sergio's team just to make sure they are safe and that they got the necklace.

On the other hand, Ren's sub team is still trying to cross the enchanted double metal doors.

"Why can't we cross this shit!" The second in command stated irritatedly.

While Ren's sub team is busy trying to cross the double metal doors. Sergio's team on the other hand is oblivious about the trouble that will soon occur to them.

The team doesn't know that an enchanter can actually sense their presence in the tower – unlucky them.

The dark enchanter smiled to himself and ambushed Sergio's sub team without them noticing him.

Surprised from the sudden attack, Sergio didn't have the opportunity to warn the others about the trouble that suddenly occurred to them. The dark enchanter casted a cancellation enchantment and sleeping enchantment to Sergio's sub team then ordered the guards to take them into the cells.

The dark enchanter knows that there are still enemies in the northern part of the tower because he can detect and sense their auras. He quickly went to the direction of the intruders and surprised them using a gravitational pressure enchanment.

"Gravitational pressure enchantment, merfulem oltia, enchant!!" The dark enchanter casted and Ren and his sub team felt an overwhelming pressure on their bodies. They fell to the ground and succumb to it.

"Do you think you can hide your auras from me?" He asked them then cancelled the invisibility enchantment and wondered who casted it.

"Who sent you here?" The dark enchanter yet again asked then intensified the pressure of his enchantment. Ren and his sub team released a groan of agony because of that.

While Ren and Sergio's team is suffering from being busted, Fabian and Prim's team on the other hand is making their way into the northern tower.

Feeling bothered, Prim hoped that the other team is safe. The Verarian enchanter suddenly felt nervous and anxious without knowing why and what causes it.

Neither did he know that they are bating themselves into a trap. The binzacarians knew their presence from the beginning, they just played oblivious and waited for Prim and his comrades to be set on a trap.


Again, sorry for another short chapter guys.

~ September 9, 2020~

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