CHAPTER 23: Love at second meeting

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It took us about an hour to reach the destination of the mermaids coves which is hidden in the deepest part of the ocean. With the help of my enchantment spells, we were able to breath under water.

With the help of Selkie, mermaids and merman let us in their coves. I didn't expect that it would be this easy to enter the merpeople's territory considering that these creatures are dangerous.

Upon exploring their coves, we can hear singing voices but thanks to my mind resistance enchantment, their hypnotic singing doesn't affect us which most of the mermaids we pass look at us with confusion.

"Selkie, are you sure we are welcome here?" I ask Selkie who is ushering us to where he left Kevin. He looked at me with big wide eyes and bubbled cheeks.

"Ehm...I-i'm not actually so sure. But the merguards didn't comment negatively when I asked them if I could let the four of you in." He replied unsure. I looked at him unbelievably which he smiled cheekily in return.

"Seriously?" Sergio who is back in his 'human' form commented while rolling his eyes. Ren nudged him into his side and he groaned in pain.

"Can you two please stop?" Fabian asked in irritation. The two 'children' stopped their teasings and looked at Fabian guiltily.

I shook my head in amusement and looked at Selkie who is observing us. He then smiled at me.

"You guys are funny" he commented while his beautiful blue mixed green tail is wagging. His eyes are shining with amusement.

We proceeded to where Selkie left Kevin and stopped into a coral like room with sea weeds and see grasses around it. Selkie then left us after saying that he will come back after he finish what he's about to do.

Upon entering the coral room, I was not expecting to see Kevin being pampered by two mermaids. I raised one of my brows on Kevin who is laying comfortably into a grass bed while the mermaids are massaging his biceps. His closed eyes opened and quickly turned to our direction.

"Unbelievable.." Fabian said while shaking his head in astonishment.

"Hi guys!!" Kevin said happily and signed the mermaids to stop what they are doing. The mermaids glared at us but said nothing and left the room.

"How did you guys find me?" Kevin asked with a big smile.

"That's not important. What we want to know is why are you not dead yet?" Sergio asked before I can utter a reply.

Ren then nudged his side and he released a groan of pain.

"That's not what he meant. He mean, how did you survive?" Ren reconstructed what Sergio said. Fabian smacked both of their heads while I rolled my eyes on them.

These two are really irritating sometimes...

"Well...I don't know. When I woke up, I'm already here then the two mermaids from before entered and told me that the Prince have chosen me to marry him – I don't even know who the Prince is. It still buffles me why though?" Kevin said with confused gaze.

Just then, Selkie entered the coral like room with four merguards. Kevin stared at him in astonishment.

"Oh my.." Kevin said out of nowhere.


The merman infront of me is the very epitome of gorgeousness and majestic. He is the most beautiful merman I've ever seen.

"Oh my.." I said out of nowhere. The merman also stared at me with wide eyes.

Suddenly, a merguard talked.

"The Prince wants to talk to his future husband, in private" the merguard said. The guards looked at Prim, Captain, Sergio and Ren as if to tell them that they should leave for a moment.

The four of them left us and the guards followed. Now, the only ones who are in the coral like room is the Prince and I. I stared at the Prince who is blushing furiously, he is trying to look everywhere except me.

"You're so beautiful" I said and I saw him bubbled his cheeks.


"Y-you are t-too" he replied shyly while wagging his magnificent green mixed blue tail. He rolled his index finger into his long blonde hair and smiled.

"What's your name?" I asked. His face lightened up upon I asking his name.

"Selkie.." he replied happily.

"Selkie, that's a beautiful name for a beautiful creature like you" I commented and I saw his cheeks blush again.

"W-well, thank you" he stuttered with a smile.

"You, what's your name?" He asked me childishly.

"Kevin" I simply replied with a smile. He made his way infront of me before looking directly at my eyes shyly.

"You have a b-beautiful name and you are handsome." He slipped and when he realized what he said, his eyes widen and the blush on his face intensified. I chuckled because of his cuteness that made him chuckle a bit too.

"I'm sorry for dragging you here forcefully" he said sincerely. His eyes are begging me to forgive him.

"It's ok.." I encouraged which he replied with a smile.

We stayed quiet for a moment before realizing that I should ask him a question.

"Why me?" I asked confused. I looked at him and he bowed his head and looked at the grassy sea floor. He then sighed before looking at me in the eyes.

"I don't's just that...when I saw you, I felt the connection between us a-and it still buffles me why, b-but I'm happy I found you"he replied.

"We merpeople has strong connection  with the one destined to be with us. That connection grew stronger when the right one is near us, so...I guess that explains" he continued. I replied nothing and just looked at him.

I can't believe I have to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful creature. He is just so...perfect, that I think I don't deserve him.

"So, when is our marriage?" I asked. He beamed while he wagged his tail happily.

"Really, you want to bond with me?" He asked, his eyes sparkling in complete happiness.

"I should be the one asking you that" I said and chuckled.

"So, it's a yes then?" He asked and I nodded. He suddenly hugged me. He felt perfect in my arms.

"T-thank you" he said in our embrace. He then detached himself to me and happily looked in my eyes.

We just stared at each other for a long time and I forgot what I originally asked to him.

When is our 'bonding'?

I'm just so excited.


Sorry guys, this chapter is too short.

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