CHAPTER 27: First encounter

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After we got the chest that Fabian insisted for us to get, we immediately exited and left the tree of life which by the way is glowing magnificently in the night. We went back to Fabian's crew who are still resting near the river, some of them are narrating stories to others with matching actions and some are just relaxing while their eyes are closed..

"You're back, how was it? Did you get the one you are looking for?" Sergio asked while coming near me. He didn't notice Fabian who is still hiding in the dark.

It's his plan.

Surprise his crew with the chest.


"We got it.." I said with my voice full of boredom while showing the necklace to the now 'skeleton' (again) crew.

", where is captain?" Ren asked while standing up from his sitting position and went beside Sergio.

I rolled my eyes to nowhere and that's when Fabian 'finally' showed himself up to his crew.

"I'm here, people.." Fabian enthusiastically started, his voice is full of happiness. I on the other hand is irritated and wants to leave already.

"I have something for us, boys.." he continued with his signature smirk.

Everybody stood up and formed a semi circle. They all looked at Fabian in anticipation and wait for him to show them his 'present'.

"What is it, captain?" One of the crew asked.

Fabian beamed at them and happily presented them the chest.

"This.." he simply answered which everyone, except me cheered in happiness.

Of course..


Always thirsty in treasure..

"Now if you don't mind, can we go back now?" I asked them with a sarcastic tone. They all looked at my direction which irritated me more.

"Go back where?" Fabian asked which made me roll my eyes.

"To the fairies, duh..." I replied with a matter of fact tone.

"Wait, is there anymore chests there, captain?" Ren asked Fabian with a happy tone.

"I don't know, Prim here wants to leav-"

"There's no more, let's go!!" I cut Fabian off with an irritated voice.

These pirates are getting into my nerves.

"Can we just stay here for the night? Going back there will be super exhausting, I just knew it." Ren complained yet again.

"That's why I have dimensional enchantments. Now that I know where it is, I can transport us there quickly." I answered to what Ren said.

"Ok.." Ren said, boredom can be heard from his voice.

I narrowed my eyes on him then quickly recited the enchantment.

"Dua dimentria, enchant!" I enchanted and soon, the same two dimensional figures appeared. I can already see the fairies and their flower houses from my position.

Now, all we have to do is step in the dimension and soon, we'll be in the other side of it.

"Let's go." I ordered which I received an unimpressed stare from them.

Well, if they don't want to come then so be it.

I crossed the dimensions and looked at the jerk's who are still standing and not moving in the other side.

ENCHANTER: The Quest of the Remaining One (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now