CHAPTER 18: Barbarians

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I observed the unconscious body of Prim. He has bruises scattered on his body. He looks so exhausted and spent up.

After I saw him in the forest, bruised and unconscious, I hurriedly called for help, luckily that time, I was chased by Elfen knights. When they saw the unconscious estate of Prim, they immediately helped me get him into their healing sanctuary.

He must be exhausted after fighting the fire dragon in the well of fire and pretty much used enchantments that spent up his energy. I'm not even sure if he succeeded in getting the necklace from the fire dragon—hopefully yes.

"Rani wa eskali bana.( He will be ok soon)" the healer said  cutting me off from my thoughts.

I did not utter a reply to her but I smiled and nodded nonetheless.

" Rani sy nu larka gurinawa brur manakanu ranir. ( He used so much magic that exhausted him)" she continued before looking at the unconscious body of Prim.

"Rur wa vanu ni, guna mayu klum ranir.( I'm going now, look out for him)" she continued and went to the wooden door to exit.

"Majias ra.(thank you)" I told her before she left the room. She gave me a warm smile before finally leaving the room.

I averted back my eyes on Prim who slowly opened his eyes. His eye brows forrowed and curiously wandered and observed his surrounding.

"Where am I?" He asked while looking at the ceiling above him. He then averted his eyes to me and stared at me with questioning eyes.

I sighed before replying.

"We are in the healing sanctuary of the elves" I replied to him and he replied nothing.

"Do you remember what happened to you?" I continued and he nodded.

"I remembered that I fought with the fire dragon, when I made it sleep and finally get the necklace from it, I thought it was over, but my sleeping enchantment didn't affect it and instead, it woke up and we fought again. That's when I used a higher enchantment spell that took most of my energy and made me so exhausted and spent up aside from the extreme heat that the well of fire has. The last thing I remembered is that, I lost consciousness again for the second time when I made my way back to the Elfen kingdom" he explained while looking at me.

He rose to a sitting position and smiled widely at me.

"I can't believe I defeated it, it's hard to beat it though because it's too strong. I also got the necklace from it" he continued and looked dreamily infront of him.

I smiled too and stared at his smiling face.

He's so beautiful.

I'm grateful and relieved at the same time because finally, he passed another dangerous challenge, alive and well, and that, he got the necklace from the fire dragon.

The door of the healing sanctuary opened before revealing Ren and Sergio who are smiling happily at the two of us.

"We're glad you are fine, sir" Sergio said and went to the left side of Prim's bed. He soon kissed Prim's left hand and daringly smiled at me. I forrowed my brows to him and his smile grew bigger.

"What is that for" Ren asked, also staring at Sergio with furrowed brows.

"Yeah, what is that for" I also asked while staring daggers at Sergio.

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