CHAPTER 9: Farewell

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Prim's POV:

The map hasn't indicated the name of the island but it did indicate the direction of the 'supposed' island.

I groaned to myself and looked at Fabian who is deep in thought, maybe something is bothering him...

"What's the matter" I asked, he quickly came back to reality and looked at me with wide eyes like I had caught him doing something 'illegal'....

His face instantly became red, in other words, he is blushing right now and man did my insides burst and my heart felt tingles that made me also blush....

This is embarrassing...

"N-nothing" he stuttered and diverted his eyes away from mine...the red on his face aka blush is still visible....

"O-okay" I simply replied and also diverted my eyes elsewhere

We stood there in silence and about a minute, Fabian broke the silence...

"So, do you want us to accompany you through your journey?" He asked me nicely...his confident aura is back and the blush on his face is gone..

The offer is super appealing but I remembered the last time he 'agreed' that he and his crew will accompany me and help me get the necklace in the island of titanoboa's but he broke it and bargained me to another pirate instead..

I norrowed my eyes and looked at him, if looks could kill someone, Fabian is already six feet under....he raised both of his hands as if he sensed and he knew why I am looking at him with daggers in my eyes right now...

"I am not going to bargain you this time, promise" he said, the amusement in his voice irritated me to no end...

I can't believe that this person can make me feel tingles in my insides and feel irritated at the same time...

"You're not going to bargain me this time? you are going to do something bad to me again and it is worse than bargaining me to someone" I asked him, the last part is an statement rather than a question...

He laughed and his laugh could make me feel tingles again but this time, I am too irritated and the only thing in my mind right now is to punch his 'pretty' face...

"Of course not, you cried enough in my chest just awhile ago because of what happened to you" he said, the amusement in his voice is still audible...

The nerve of him!!!!!!

I rolled my eyes on him and turned my back on him and walked away....

I heard him, well...I can sense him following me and my speculation was proven right when he grabbed my right hand and ushered me to face him....the amusement in his face is gone and it is replaced by seriousness...

"Ok I'm sorry if I am making fun of you-" so he is really making fun of me, probably from the beginning of our conversation "-but I am serious, I would like to help you this time" he said with all seriousness...

His face could make me laugh and mock him for revenge but I held it because I felt the sincerity in his voice that made me feel tingles again in my insides...

"Ok" I simply replied to him and continued walking....

"Hey, where are you going, I thought you agreed!!!??" He shouted and I stopped on my tracks and faced him again..

"I am going to say goodbye to someone" I said when he is finally near me..

Upon saying 'someone', something flicked into his eyes and if I am not mistaken, just assuming, I saw jealousy but it instantly fade away as instant as how it flicked...but maybe I am assuming wrong...

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