CHAPTER 12: Second Necklace

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"-they be doing here?"

"I don't know, how did they find this place anyway?"

"I don't know either"

The sound of voices coming from unknown source woke me up from my slumber...

Where am I?

I observed my surrounding and found out that I am inside a cave cage. I tried to move my hands but failed because I felt metals holding both of my wrists together..

Why am I here?

....the memories from where Prim and I entered an unknown place came rushing into my head...


Where is he??

The last time I remembered before my consciousness died is Prim and I star struck because we just found out that the place we invaded is the Goblins territory and that's when I felt a sharp pain in the left part of my neck and I became unconscious..

I looked around me to see if Prim is inside the cave cage too but I found nothing...

Where is he???

"PRIM!!!" I shouted and the two guards alarmingly looked at me...

"WHERE IS HE!!?"I angrily asked the two guards..

" I don't know who is 'he' but if you are talking about the guy you are with then he is two cages to the left away from you" one of the guards replied

"PRIM!!!" I again shouted but received no reply..

"What have you done to him?" I asked yet again to the guards but they just shrugged...

"We just did what we did to-"one of them said but was cut off..

"..hey we don't need to answer him, remember, he is a prisoner" the other one said..

"But you answered his first question, what's the difference?"

"That's not the point, he is a prisoner so we don't need to answer his questions"

" But you just did awhile ag-"

"ENOUGH!!" I shouted that made the both of them jump because of surprise..

The both of them glared at me but said nothing and went back to their stations..

Just then, I heard Prim shout my name...

"PRIM, I AM HERE!!"I shouted back just for him to know that I can hear him...

"OH THANK THE GODDESS, I THOUGHT SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO YOU!!" he replied back and I can hear the concern from his voice and it made me smile..

" ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT ME!!?" I asked with mockery in my voice..

Truth to be told, I can feel butterflies in my stomach right now..

"YOU ARE IMPOSSIBLE!!" he shouted with irritation in his voice and I just laughed...

After that, silence surrounded us and it made me uncomfortable and nervous..



I can't believe that a captain like me is nervous right now and if someone from years ago had told me that I'll be feeling nervous around someone, I could have killed them...

"W-well, y-yes...I am concerned about you" he said cutting me off from my thoughts..

My smile became wider because of what he said..

ENCHANTER: The Quest of the Remaining One (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now