CHAPTER 29: Tribe of Pana

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Since the flowers of the fairies were destroyed, again, everyone evacuated into a new field of flowers.

And here we are now, playing with Mally in 'our' flower.

"The baby is hyper today.." Fabian commented to the baby who is giggling while jumping in front of him.

"He sure is.." I also commented then stood up. I went near Mally and tickled him into his belly. His giggles intensified then he started to get out of my cruel tickling.

The whole day, Fabian, Mally, and I stayed in our flower playing or sleeping altogether. That day, I can say that we sure looks like a family.

The next day, Fabian and I decided that the two of us alongside Ren and Sergio are the only ones who will find the next necklace. The remaining crew will stay with the fairies and help them evacuate in case the invasion still continues.

Before that, I left Mally to Mariposa when he is still sleeping so that the baby will not notice our absence and cry.

"Are you sure there is a tribe here?" Fabian asked me when we are finally kilometers away from the fairies.

"Yes, the river showed me that there is a tribe in the far west..the river also showed me that the eighth necklace is there." I replied to his question without looking at him. We continued walking in silence after that.

We walked and searched for the tribe for an hour or two before we decided to make a stop.

"So, Prim, I still can't believe that you defeated an army with all by yourself.." Ren told me, cutting off our silent moment.

I still can't believe either. I never imagined that with just one spell that I haven't perfectly mastered yet, I defeated an army.

Truth to be told, I underestimated myself that time, I don't even know my power level untill now. I never thought that this quest will help me improve my enchantments and be stronger.

"I also don't know how. I was surrounded by more than a hundred westernians that time, the lieutenant is also there..I still can't believe that with just one blow, I defeated all of them. Maybe, when they told me that it's going to be my last day, I was triggered and my power level rised to it's extent..." I replied to Ren.

"You sure became stronger for the past days.." I heard Sergio said to me.

I believe so.

"I guess this quest is helping you become stronger.." Fabian said which made me nod in agreement.

"I guess, thanks to the Goddess.." I replied then looked at the grassy ground.

Complete silence soon engulfed us after our conversation. We stayed there for about half an hour before Fabian stood up.

"Ok, I think we have enough energy regained. Let's go.." He instructed then made his way first to the forest.

We then again continued our search untill we found a hanging bridge. The old looking hanging bridge is narrow and looks like it's about to collapse upon stepping to it.

"Should we cross that or find another way?" I heard Sergio asked.

"I think that's the only route we can take.." I heard Fabian replied to Sergio then made his way to the old bridge. We followed Fabian immediately but cautiously at the same time.

We slowly crossed the slightly swinging bridge which by the way is starting to slightly creak by our every step.

"Can we go faster? I think the bridge is starting to fall.." Ren alarmingly stated at the far back. I looked at Fabian and Sergio who are infront, I think they didn't hear what Ren said because they didn't gave him a glance and they are far away from us.

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