CHAPTER 3: Crazy Zombie Crew

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"tighter boys!!!..tighter!!!" Fabian commanded to us as we are pulling the rope that is tied to a standing long wood with clothing, well I don't know what it is called because I'm not a pirate

We are sailing in the sea as the sun is setting and according to Fabian, when the moon shine it's light, his crew will become skeletons and I don't know why..I haven't asked him yet..

When the sun is completely set and the moon is shining above us, all of the crew, except Fabian and I, slowly became skeletons

Their flesh are melting from head to toe and I can already see their bones

The sight is horrifying and I readied my self to fight incase this alive skeletons will try to kill me

I almost jumped when a hand gripped my shoulders and when I looked about me, there stood Fabian

"Oh Goddess...don't do that again or I'll castrate you!!" I whisper yelled to him and he just laughed

"Hahaha....I didn't know that enchanters are jumpy" he said humorly

If only he's not handsome, I'm going to punch his face for his mocking

I looked him bored and that's when he stopped laughing

"Don't be snappy you know..I told you they will become skeletons but I assure you they will not hurt you" he said

"How will I suppose to trust the assurance coming from a pirate" I spat back

"Well..I should be dead by now if they are aggressive,right" he answered

Does he really think that I'll trust his words?

"They will not hurt you because you are their captain, idiot!"I frustratingly answered

And ladies and gentlemen, he laughed again

The nerve of him..

" have a point, but trust me even for once, they will not hurt you, unless you are an enemy" he said

I finally gave in because of what he said and I audibly sighed

"You are not done yet in fixing the wooden jugs are you?" He asked

"Huh..if only you are helping and not just ordering there around then maybe I had finished along time ago"I spat back

"Well...too bad, I'm the captain, my ship, my command"he mockingly said

Is this person real?

Is he really a captain of a ship?

He is unbearable

"What's with those jugs anyway?"I asked

"Rams"he simply answered


"Seriously? are drinking while in a boat?I asked

"Yes, it's part of pirate traditions to have Rams in their boats"he replied

"You pirates are cra-"before I can finish my statement, one of the skeleton crew approached us, well..more like approached Fabian

"Captain, we spotted another ship just a mile away from here and we believe that it is the black z ship" the skeleton crew said

Black z ship?

It's familiar, I once heard it from the people in my kingdom

Hmm...what is it again?

A loud horrified cry scaped my mouth because of the realization

"Isn't it that the black z ship contains zombie crew and its captain is captain-"

"Arvar" Fabian continued

I looked at him horrified with matching wide open eyes and gaping mouth...

"Oh Goddess..we're doomed, that ship contains zombies and if they reach us, they will slaughter us and eat us" I cried

"Don't be such a baby, I taught you are one of the twelve enchanters of the kingdom of Verar, why are you afraid?" Fabian says

I rolled my eyes on him

Well he has a point, enchanters are strong and brave because they are powerful and I am an enchanter so there's no need to be afraid of..

"Besides we are not gonna let them slaughter us, I am captain Fabian Guevarra of the enchanted crew ship, we will fight" Fabian bravely stated

Wait.....enchanted crew ship?

As in.....woah!!! I also heard stories about this pirate ship and it's captain is one of the 7 sea rulers, which means, Fabian is a sea ruler

"Everyone, let's show those filthy zombies what we are capable to do!!" Fabian shouted to his crew

"Ready the cannons, boys, we will have a showdown" he says while grinning

Seriously, there is no crazier person than this crazy captain. Imagine, he is grinning while a bunch of zombie crew is in our tails...

Well, I am an enchanter, and I will fight

Soon, Fabian approached me and asked if I can cast some enchantment spells to strengthen their physical abilities

"Of course" I replied

Why am I helping them again?

......oh yeah....because we made a deal..

I raised both my hands and casted..

"I command that the physical attributes of this crew rise up to its extent, als selma, enchant" I casted

I saw everyone including Fabian glowed and after a while, I felt their auras became heavier meaning my encantation is effective and their physical attributes are enhanced...

"Woah...I feel stronger" one of the crew said

"Now let's show them what we got boys!!" Fabian shouted

After that, everyone scurried away back to their stations

"So, you are a legit enchanter, now I believe you" He said

"I told you I am an enchanter" I replied back

"By the way...what's your name, I haven't asked since you got here, I forgot" he said coyly

Hmm...he's right, he never asked my name..

"Prim" I simply stated

"Prim" he repeated while looking to nothing in particular

"It's a nice name" he complemented

My face instantly flamed up and I'm sure tomatoes are no match to the color of my face now

I instantly averted my face to the opposite direction for him not to see the blush that has formed into my face....

Oh goddess.....he's going to be the death of me...

I came back to reality when I heard the fire of a cannon

"Oh goddess....this is not happening"I said while looking at the other ship that is almost beside our ship

Fabian just laughed at my reaction

"Everyone, get ready to fire....."Fabian yelled and he raised his right hand for the cue

"-and fire!!!!"he yelled again after about 3 seconds

The cannons fired and the cannon balls coming from the enemy ship destroyed some portions of the ship....luckily though, the enemy ship has the same estate as ours

The battle continued and soon, some of the enemies were at our ship

And it's my unlucky day because a zombie pirate is approaching me


Last update for this week

May 27, 2020

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