CHAPTER 41: The Last Necklace

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After the devastating incident on our way to the northern tower, we immediately left the area and proceeded to our main goal.

Needless to say that the tower is guardless so Fabian and I's team immediately invaded the area.

"We should divide the team again. My division will go find Sergio and the others while your division will go after the necklace.." Fabian told me which I nodded.

"That sounds like a plan to me.." I replied then ushered my way to the northern part of the tower after I signed my division to follow me.


My division searched for Sergio, Ren, and their team starting to the eastern part of the tower. We were lucky because no guards nor someone saw us roaming around the tower.

I believe the guards of the tower were the ones who was turned minotaurs.

Unfortunately for them.

"Captain, this part of the tower is empty.." Rad said while approaching me into my direction.

"In that case, Rad, Cris, and Gabe, head to the western part of the tower. Fin and Carson, follow me.." I ordered which they nodded.

"Proceed..." I continued then we immediately parted ways.

On our way to the southern part of the tower. The three of us saw a tunnel going down. No light nor torches can be seen on it.

"Follow me.." I instructed the other two then ushered my way to the dark tunnel.

While going down the tunnel, the three of us occasionally stumbled and recited curses because of the lack of light. Luckily when we are finally down the stairs, a hallway with torches on its walls can finally be seen. The bricked hall way leads to what seems like a cell station.

I think they are here.

The three of us quickly went into the direction of the cell station then looked around.

"Look for them in every cell.." I ordered then the three of us parted ways.

I headed straight into the cells that have inmates then searched for my crew. The inmates pleaded for me to free them and let them out and I looked at them in pity. Their situation is devastating because all of them, men and women, are beaten up based on their fresh wounds and scratches, some are even dead and are not moving inside their cells. There are also children in the age of eight to twelve years old who are naked and looks so malnourished and thin.

"Help us..." Someone cried while reaching out his hands to my direction.

"Please, free us..." Another one pleaded.

The room was soon filled with noises and pleas.

I looked around then searched for the keys of the cells. In all that is good, I luckily and finally found the key which is hanging and placed into the far edge of the huge cell room.

I quickly got the key then opened all of the cells. The inmates cheered and rejoiced then quickly went out of their cells.

"Thank you, sir.." a boy said infront of me. He hugged my thighs then cried into it.

"It's ok, are free now. Now, go and leave for me..." I told the boy while ruffling his hair. He then raised his head and looked at me with a grateful smile. I also smiled at him and that's when he detached himself to me then run with the others out of the tower.

I followed the little guy with my gaze then sighed in relief.

I'm glad those abused human beings are free now. I just hope no one will notice that they escaped especially the soldiers.

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