Chapter one :)

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Chapter one

I jumped out of bed as I heard a loud thud from out the front, I creeped over to my window to get a look at what was happening. I looked out of my small window and saw a big remove-lest truck parked outside of my neighbours house.

Only then did I remember that my mum told me that our new neighbours are moving in. I tried to get a good glance at who was moving in, but all I saw were men wearing bright orange shirts moving furniture out of the truck.

I walked away from the window and shut the silk curtains. I walked to my bathroom and twisted the tap on the shower and watched for a bit as it released it's warm water. I started to strip and that was my time to get into the shower because it had gotten steamy and foggy.

I opened the shower door and stepped into the shower only to feel the hot steam arise on my tanned skin. I turned the shower head so the water drizzled onto me, it felt so nice and soothing. It felt like chocolate syrup was being poured onto my bare skin, not like that has ever happened before but it felt amazing. All my thoughts and problems seemed to disappear.

I stood under the water for about 5 minutes until pouring shampoo into my hair and rubbing it in. Then it was the conditioner, then after that I washed my face and body with a rich scented body wash.

Once I was finished I turned off the shower and stepped out of it. I walked to my towel rack and took a fluffy brown towel and wrapped it around my petite body.

I walked out of the bathroom and towards my wardrobe. I searched for something to wear, finally I found something. I slipped on a navvy, striped crop top and some high wasted denim shorts. I put on my navvy blue converse and tied my brown hair in a messy bun. I walked over to my mirror and set of drawers and pulled out my foundation, liquid eyeliner, mascara and a dark shade of my favourite plum lipstick.

I put it all on and sprayed some Katy perry perfume onto my wrists and neck. I picked up my purse, phone, car keys and wallet. I looked at me phone and it was 10:37am. I looked at myself for the last time in the mirror before walking down stairs to find my brother sitting on the couch playing call of duty.

"Hey Natalie, why are you so dressed up?" Josh, my older brother asked.

"I'm going to the mall with my friends" I replied as I walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"Ohhh, hey have you met the new neighbours?" Josh paused the game and faced me.

"No not yet" I rolled my eyes and poured a glass of water.

"Well they are coming over for dinner tonight, mum told me to tell you" he turned back to his game and unpaused it.

"Oh ok, hey where is mum anyway?" I took a sip of my water and put it on the kitchen bench.

"She's next door helping them move there stuff, and dad went to work" he said with his strong voice.

"Oh ok, tell mum I will be home at about 3:30" I said as I walked to the front door.

"Ok love you nattie wattie" he said in a baby voice and snickered.

"Haha very funny love you too joshy woshy" I said in a baby voice and walked out of the door.

I walked over to my car that was parked out front when I was greeted by a tall, dirty blonde haired boy. He had warm chocolate eyes. He was very attractive.
"Hello, um my names Thomas and what's your name?" he said with an adorable British accent.

"I'm Natalie, so your our new neighbours" I said with a smile.

"Yeah, um would you like to come over?" He smiled.

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