Chapter twenty-five :)

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Chapter twenty- five

* I woke up to a sharp metal object against my throat. My eyes flickered open and it took me a couple of seconds for my eyes to focus on the object. It was a knife. I looked up at who was holding the knife.

"Argh, hello sleeping beauty." A rough British voice echoed inside my head.


"T..Thomas?" I stuttered.

"Yes, it's me. Your little tommy." He said in a baby voice. He glared at me with his brown orb like eyes.

"What do you want?" I tried to sound as brave as I could.

"What do you think love?," He twisted his lips into an evil grin. "I'm here to.. Finish you, begone of you, kill you." Tears started prickling my eyes and they ran down my cheeks.

Thomas lifted the knife from my neck and whipped my tears away with the knife, causing him to slice my skin. He put the knife to his lips and licked the blade then put it back against my neck.

I flinched and tried not to cry. "B..but why?" I looked at him with wide eyes. He touched my face with his other hand and caressed it. I flinched but closed my eyes at his touch.

"Because, you have been a bad girl." He whispered into my ear and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "You are a brat but still beautiful!" He licked his lips then leaned into me. Our lips touched and he kissed me. I kissed back. He lowered the knife away from my neck and put it on the other side of me. I pulled him into a hug and continued kissing him.

Then I punched him in the face and grabbed the knife. I pushed it into his stomach and ran from my bed. *

"Natalie! Natalie! Wake up!" I flickered my eyes open and my mum, dad and brother were there sitting on my bed calling my name.

"Natalie, you had a bad dream! Are you ok?" Josh pulled my into his arms and rocked my slowly, like a baby. I was shaking, and beads of sweat were slipping down my forehead. My cheeks were wet and so were my eyes. I nodded slowly.

"Mum, dad can I talk to Nat for a sec?" Josh asked me and they nodded.

"Well I'm going to bed anyway, I love you Nat and josh" my mum kissed my forehead and brought us both into a hug.

"I'll come, I love you both too" my dad kissed my forehead and patted Josh on the back.

Then they walked out of my room and shut the door. I looked up at Josh.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well... I came back from work then went to my apartment to walk in on Emily with another guy. So I kicked her out and we broke up. Also you never said goodbye when you left my party." He replied in a hurt voice.

"I'm so sorry! End I argh... I just had to go..." I trailed off.

"It's fine" he smiled lightly. "Oh also, Thomas came over today... He wanted me to give you this" Josh pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me. I took it. I got up and walked towards the bin. I threw it in and then sat back down on my bed.

Josh had a seriously-why-did-you-do-that look on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"He told me what happened, and it wasn't his fault Nat. It was Isabella. She was jealous and then she kissed him and on that note it explained what happend." he looked into my eyes.

"If that's all you came to tell me, then I don't want to hear it" I sighed.

"No, actually what I came to tell you. Well ask you, is if you want to move in with me. Like my apartment. Because I know how you want to get out of this house, I was just thinking that you could move in with me. It would be fun, then when you want you can move out and get your own apartment. So what do you think?" He chuckled.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS JOSH!!!?? OH MY GOSH YES!!! Thank you so much!!" I yelled and jumped into his arms.

"Shhh, calm down it's like 3:08am." He chuckled. I started giggling.



"I'm finished packing!" I looked at empty room, well my old room. I packed up all my stuff and carried them down stairs. I quickly ran over to my bin and grabbed the note that was in there I shoved it inside my bag.

"Ok well let's get going!" Josh raised his hand in the air and I high fived it. We walked down stairs with my bags and things. My dad came running up the stairs and helped me.

"Thanks dad" I smiled.

"No worries baby girl!" He chuckled. We walked to my car and put all of my belongings into it. I hugged my dad and then hugged my mum.

"I love you both and I will visit you on Friday" I smiled and then slipped into the drivers seat. I buckled myself up and put the keys into the ignition. I waved and then followed Josh's car to where his apartment was.


I parked my car and got out. I pulled out all of my bags and then walked up to the front door. Josh helped me bring all of my bags in and showed me where to put them. We walked up the stairs.

"So this is your room." He opened up the door. "There is a bathroom through there and a small room for your clothes and stuff" he smiled and placed my bags down on the queen sized bed. I nodded and hugged him.

"Thank you so much!" I squeezed him tightly.

"Don't mention it Nattie!" He chuckled and let go of me. "Ok well, I will let you get settled in. Here's the keys to our apartment and the spare one is hidden underneath the door matt. Ok, well I've gotta meet up with my friends now but make yourself at home." He handed me the keys and waved, before walking down the stairs.

I took the keys and waved back. "Ah" I sighed rather loudly and started unpacking. I opened up the large window and stared through it. The view wasn't perfect, because all you were looking at was into another apartment. And they were looking into your apartment, because the windows were opposite each other and facing each other.

I started into that apartment, even though it's kinda weird I didn't care. I laid my head on my hands and stared into space. "Are you ok, there?" A familiar voice yelled out to me. I snapped out of my daydreaming and thoughts and looked at who had said that.

Then my eyes met with the eyes that I fell in love with. Those brown beautiful eyes. The ones that I trusted.


"Argh, yeah." I stuttered and backed away from the window.

"So I see we are neighbours now" a smirk played on his face.

"Yeah, unfortunately" I sighed.

"Well that's not very nice, Natalie I still love you! I will always love you! I was just a stupid, naïve, young boy back then! But I've changed! Please give me one more chance!" He yelled.

"Well I don't know..." I took a deep breath in.

"PLEASSSEEEEEE!" He squealed in a babies voice.

"Ok, ok just shut up!" I started laughing.

"YAYYYYYY!" He yelled and started dancing like a maniac. "Well how about you come over tonight at 6:00pm?" He asked.

"Ummm, ok" I shrugged and he grinned.

"Awesome, till then Nattie!" He blew a kiss and walked away from the window. I shook my head and smiled. I shut my window and curtains and walked away.

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