Chapter nineteen :)

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Chapter nineteen

Days went on and weeks of Tom and I together having fun.
I was sick for a week but he stayed beside me and we watched movies all day. Then at night he would sneak in through my window and come into my room. Soon enough we told our parents about how we are dating and love each other and they all accepted it. Actually our parents were extremely happy.

2 months went past and it was the best 2 months I could ever ask for.
I laid in bed and took out my phone. It was 10:37am.

Hey tom I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to Josh's birthday party? It's tonight at 6:00pm.
- Nat

I'd love to babe, awesome see you at 6:00pm then. But I will pick you up at 5:50pm if you want?

Ok sure, sounds great see you then babe! Love you xx
- Nat

Ok cool! Love you too Nattie baby! I love you with all my heart and all the suns heat and all the moons essence and all the water on the earth! Xx

Ok I get it! You love me a lot but I love you more! Bahaha bye babe x
- Nat

I threw my phone on my bed and walked to my wardrobe. 'ok so his party is going to be at a nightclub... So I need something to dance in but look deadly attractive' I thought to myself.

I looked through my whole wardrobe and couldn't find anything. I grabbed my phone and started to text Kaya and Ava on group chat.

Hey babes, I need help! I need to find something to wear tonight for Josh's party!! But I can't find anything! Helppppp me pllleaaasssseeee!

Within seconds I got two responses.

Ok go have a shower babes cause we are GOING SHOPPINNGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))) *Jumping up and down on bed while throwing money everywhere!*
- Ava

- Kaya

OK SOUNDS GOOD!!! Well you girls can get ready at my house after shopping then! :))) Come over in like 10 minutes and we can go together!

- Kaya

- Ava

KK cool AND OMFG YESS!! ;) heheheh
- Nat


I put my phone on charge and ran to the bathroom. I had a shower then went to my room, I found a pastel pink turtle neck crop top and a pastel blue and white striped skirt. I put it on and put on my white lipstick shoes and pastel pink earrings and a pastel pink and blue cat eyed sunglasses. I put my hair in two braids, they almost reached my butt.

I put on some foundation and some light pink blush, then I put no pastel pink lipstick, liquid eyeliner, mascara and my Nicki Minaj perfume. Then I heard a knock on my door. I grabbed my handbag, purse, car keys, phone, makeup and earphones then I ran down the stairs and opened the door.

Ava and Kaya stood there looking almost identical as me. Like Ava was wearing a pastel orange and green polka dot skirt and a pastel green crop top and pastel orange lipstick shoes. She was wearing pastel orange lipstick and matching pastel green and orange cat eyed sunglasses. Her hair was in two pony tails and had big pastel green earrings.

Then I looked at Kaya who was wearing a pastel yellow lemon v-neck sleeveless top and a pastel purple and red spiral patterned skirt and a pair of pastel yellow lemon lipstick shoes. She had a pastel red lipstick on and matching red and purple cat eyed sunglasses. Her hair was done in two buns and she had big pastel purple earrings.

"OH MY GOSH!!! TWINNIES!" Ava and Kaya yelled and embraced the three of us into a hug.

"I will get my mum to take a picture of us" I said and they jumped up and down nodding.

After when we took our pictures and put them on twitter, Instagram and tumblr we walked to my car. Kaya sat in the passenger seat and Ava sat in the middle in the back seat. I drove and we all sang and danced to "girls just wanna have fun". (OMFG CAN YOU JUST IMAGINE KAYA, AVA AND YOURSELF DOING THAT! LIKE DRESSING UP THAT WAY AND SINGING AND DANCING TO THAT! LIKE BEING BEST FRIENDS THAT WOULD BE SOOOOOO FUN! Lol sorry continue.....)

"Girls just wanna have fun!"
"Wanna have fun! The girls!"
"Just wanna have fun!"

We sang together and Ava filmed the whole thing.

We pulled up at the mall and got out of the car.
Then we walked into the mall arms linked and went straight into this cute vintage dress boutique.

"Ooo this will look so good on you!" Kaya mucked around and pulled out a babies dress.

"Oh my gosh yes! Ava you have to get it, you will look so cute in it!" I giggled.

"Oh my gosh yes! I'm totes gonna buy it!" She giggled and Kaya put it away.

We continued walking around, trying on random clothes and taking selfies in them. Until we found the right dresses. We paid for our dresses and walked out of the store. We walked over to a café and sat down at a booth in the corner.

"Ok, so we have our dresses, now all we need is accessories and shoes" Ava ticked a box on her "party list".

"Yep, and I know a great shop where we can buy our shoes!" Kaya squealed and got up from her seat.

"Ok sounds good!" We all got our bags and walked out of the café. We walked into a shoe store and picked out our glamorous shoes and payed for them. Then we walked into an accessories pallor and bought our accessories.

By the time we were finished it was nearly 4:00pm.

"Girls let's go!" Kaya looked at her watch and we nodded. We walked back over to the car and put all of our stuff into it.

We got into the car but this time Kaya sat in the back and Ava sat in the passenger seat. I put the keys into the ignition and we drove off.

Ava put some music on and we all sang and danced to it. We had all the windows down in the car and people were looking at us like we were some crazy weirdos. We all just smiled and waved until a car beside us honked their horn at us. I turned my head to get a look at the driver and it was my brother and Emily. We waved and they giggled and blew kisses to us. Then they sped off.

"Well that was random" I giggled.

"Tell me about it" Kaya and Ava laughed.

We arrived home and took all of our stuff out of the car. We ran up stairs laughing like maniacs and stumbled into my room. I face planted onto my bed and Ava and Kaya did the same.

"Well let's get ready girls and make ourselves beautiful!" I mumbled and stretched. They all agreed and we got up.

I'm so sorry that I haven't wrote anything for a while! I have been so busy and I'm SO SORRY STILL! And I'm sorry that this sucked but I promise that I am gonna start writing the next part and hopefully publish it tonight because tomorrow I am going camping :( :( lol anyway ILY guys!

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