Chapter twenty-four :)

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Chapter twenty- four :)

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I sat up in my bed and looked around in my room. "Bing" my phone went off, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and I had a look at who could have texted me. I turned on my phone and there were 106 unread messages and 72 missed calls. All from Thomas. I sighed and a tear escaped my eyes. I shoved my phone inside my pocket and looked around.

Ava and Kaya weren't there. I got out of bed and quietly walked down stairs. I walked into the kitchen and Ava and Kaya were standing there mixing things, pouring things and putting things in the frying pan.

"Oh good morning Nat" Ava said in a cheery voice.

"Morning" I mumbled and took a seat at the island.

"What would you like to eat for breakfast? We have pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, waffles, fruit and yogurt." Kaya placed a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"I don't mind." I shrugged.

"Well help yourself!" Ava and Kaya both insisted. I nodded and took the smallest pancake I could find and a piece of watermelon. I slowly began eating and that's when I heard a knock on the door. Ava put down her bowl and spatula and walked towards the door. She opened the door and there standing beyond my eyes was a dirty, puffy red eyed, scratched and bruised guy.


I looked at him with horror, sadness, guilt and anger. I heard whispers from Ava and Thomas and then he snapped his head towards me. I quickly looked away and got up from my seat. I made a run for it. I ran into our games room and locked myself in.
"Natalie!" Thomas screamed and pushed past Ava. He followed me and started screaming my name. He started kicking the door and banging on it.

I ran across to the couch and shoved my head down. Tears began to pour out of my eyes. Sobs and groans escaped my lips. I tried my best to stop it but I couldn't. 'I'm sick of the crying! No more Natalie! No more' I whipped my tears away and took a deep breath.

"Natalie, please. Please. Please don't do this." Thomas whimpered from outside. "I love you Natalie! I didn't kis-" he started but then I cut him off.

"GET OUT THOMAS! GO!" I screamed at him.


"NO! JUST, just go!" My voice started to go softer and my eyes began tearing up once again.

"Ok... I will, if that's what you want. Then I'll go" his voice started to crack and I heard him crying. Then I heard footsteps and then the door slammed closed.

"What have I just done?" I whispered to myself. I dug my head amongst the pillows on the couch and began bawling out my eyes.

"Nat are you ok, in there?" Kaya carefully knocked. I didn't reply.

"Natalie can you please open this door!" I stood up from my seat and did what Ava asked. I opened the door and walked back towards the couch. I plumbed my self down and sat there looking at the wall.

"Hey, hey. Are you ok?" Kaya brought me into a hug. I didn't have any more tears to loose.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I lied.

"I didn't mean for him to do that. I'm so sorry Nat." Ava hugged me tightly.

"No it's fine" I lied again.

"Ok, well do you want to stay here or do you want to go out?" Ava asked and rubbed my back.

"You guys go I will just stay here, I'm kinda tired anyway" I lied for the third time.

"No it's fine, we will stay with you." Kaya insisted.

"No really, it's fine. You go, I'm fine here! Anyway Josh is coming over, so it's ok" I lied and put on a fake smile. 'wow I just lied, like a lot!' I laughed in my head.

"Ok, well we will come over tomorrow then" Ava smiled and got up. I nodded and waved. The both of them walked out and I sat there. Then I heard the door shut and a car drive away. 'They are gone' I sighed and got up.

I walked upstairs and crashed onto my bed. I laid there for a while until I fell asleep.

Sorry that these chapters suck, but I'm getting to the good parts soon.

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