Chapter twelve :)

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Chapter twelve

We all ate our pizza in silence until Dylan started talking. "Hey let's watch a movie" he yelled out. "Yeah ok" I replied. "Sounds good to me" Will said and we all agreed on watching a movie.

We made our way to the giant leather couch. "What are we gonna watch" Kaya asked. Dylan ran over to a cabinet and took out 2 DVD's. "Ok we can watch Nemo or Barbie?" Dylan raised the DVD's in the air. "Raise your hand for Nemo" he held up Nemo. Kaya, Thomas and I raised our hands. "Ok looks like we are watching barbie" Dylan squealed and jumped up and down. Dylan put on the movie and I sat down besides Thomas and Dylan and Ki Hong sat right below my legs. Ava sat beside Thomas and Kaya and will sat together.

We sat in comfort watching barbie, every now and then Ki Hong would make a funny remark like: "oh my gosh! I need that dress" or "she's so hot, I wonder if we could get married". Then Dylan and Ki Hong had a fight of who wants to be who, Dylan wanted to be barbies best friend Molly but Ki Hong wanted to be her.

Halfway through the movie Thomas whispered in my ear "promise me you won't date one of those guys" he pointed to Dylan and Ki Hong. "I promise I smiled and watched the movie.

The movie finished and we all sat there in silence until Will broke the silence. "THAT WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!" He yelled at the top of his lungs and started to clap. "I know right!" Dylan shot up from his spot and took out the disk. "Argh well I think we should get going?" Kaya yawned. "Yeah, well do you want to come over tomorrow?" Ava asked and stretched in her seat. "Yeah sounds good!" Dylan walked over to Ki Hong. "He's asleep" Dylan whispered and pointed to Ki Hong. Everyone laughed. "Ok we will see you tomorrow then, hey Nat can I have your phone for a sec" Kaya walked over to me. "Argh sure" I took my phone out of my pocket and handed it to her.

She typed her phone number into it and took a couple of selfies "here now you have my phone number and a sexy picture of me" she laughed. "Thanks and it was nice meeting you" I got up from my seat and gave her a hug. "You too!" She replied and started to walk to the door. "Gimme your phone as well Nat" Dylan asked and I gave it to him. He put his number and Ki Hong's number into it and took a few selfies of him and the sleeping Ki Hong. He handed back my phone and hugged me "thanks and nice meeting you" I smiled "you too hottie" he replied. "Don't talk to her like that" Thomas playfully hit Dylan on the back of the head. I laughed lightly. Dylan poked his tongue at Thomas. Then he picked Ki Hong up and threw him over his shoulder.

Will walked up to me and gave me a hug "nice to meet you Natalie and here's my phone number" he took my phone and put his number into it and took like a million selfies. Then he handed back my phone "hehe thanks" I laughed. "No problems" and they all walked out the door. "Bye" Ava and I waved and Thomas put the finger up at Dylan because he blew me kisses and mouthed 'I love you'. They got into Dylan's car and waved back. I just laughed and watched as their car drove off.

We walked back inside and crashed on the couch. "What's the time?" Ava asked me. I took out my phone and it was "11:36pm". I showed her my phone and she nodded. "Well I'm going to bed, I will leave you to love birds alone to do whatever you guys would do" she winked at Tom and I and walked up stairs. "Well they are nice and extremely friendly" I laughed and so did he. "Yeah especially Dylan" he shook his head and chuckled. "Yeah" I laughed. I yawned. "Do you want to go to bed?" He asked me. "Yeah" I rubbed my eyes. "Ok let's get you to bed" he lifted me bridal style and lifted me up the stairs. "You know I can walk" I looked at him. "Yeah I know, but you deserved to be treated like a princess" he smirked and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me close to him.

He walked into Ava's room and lightly placed me on the second bed in Ava's room. I smiled at him and he gave me a tight bare hug. "Sweet dreams, princess" he said then walked into his room.

I slowly drifted to sleep thinking of Tom.

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