Chapter eighteen :)

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Chapter eighteen

I walked into my house and was only to be greeted by the one and only, heart breaker, cheating, stupid, idiot, Tyler.

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped, 'what is he doing here? What the hell!' I yelled in my head.

"Hey Nat, long time no see" he got up from the couch and wrapped his arms around me. I was frozen, I tried to move but I just couldn't.

"Get off me!" I yelled pushing him away. "Why are you here? Get out!" I pointed to the door.

"I came to apologise for what I did and hope that you will take me back" he pouted and begged.

"NO! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND I'M HAPPY WITH HIM AND YOUR NOT GOING TO RUIN MY HAPPINESS! NOW GET OUT!" I yelled and pointed to the door. I could feel my blood boiling up inside making me just want to punch him.

"Fine. If you don't love me like I love you I will go" he walked out of the door and slammed it behind him.

Josh sat on the couch amazed and then started laughing.

"What's so funny? Huh?" I yelled at him and slapped him on the back.

"The look on his.. His face" he laughed harder. "I've never seen you that angry Nat! Gosh, and how you were like I've got a boyfriend and all. That was priceless! I'm proud of ya Nat" he tackled me and gave me a big bear hug.

"Thanks bro. Why was he here anyways" I asked as he got off of me.

"He wanted to say sorry and crap and wanted things to be how they use to be. That chick that he cheated on you with, must have broke up with him if he was that desperate to come crawling back to ya!" He gave a chuckle.

"Mmmm yeah! Well I have Thomas and I think....I love him" I stared at josh and he began to smile.

"Awww Nattie is in love!" He teased. "Haha funny, I'm gonna have a shower and call tom" I got up and walked up the stairs.

"Nat, I really like Thomas, I trust him and know that he isn't the one who would break your heart.. He's a true gentleman. Like me" he smirked and began to flex his arms.

"Yeah yeah" I rolled my eyes and walked to my bathroom.

After my long peaceful bath I got dressed into one of my brothers football jerseys that went down to my knees and pj shorts. I tied my hair up into a high messy ponytail and jumped onto my bed.

I laid on my bed looking up at the poster covered ceiling. I had more then 50 posters all around my room. Lots of the posters of my boyfriend Zac Effron and my husband Robert Pattinson.

My phone started to vibrate. I checked the ID caller and Thomas's name came up.

"Hello" I answered groggily.

"Why hello there sleeping beauty" I giggled at his comment.

"Is your parents home?" He asked.

"Not yet, my mum said she will be home at about 11pm or later. Why?" I asked.

"Ok, open your window and step back" his voice started cracking.

"Argh why?".

"Just do it please" he begged.

"Ok" I stood up from the bed and opened the window then sat back on my bed.

"Now wha-" before I could finish my sentence Thomas came flying through the window and landed on my floor with a "thunk". I ended the call.

"What the hell? Are you ok?" I ran over to him and he put his thumbs up.

"I couldn't be any better" he chuckled as I helped him up and sat him on my bed.

"I wanted to surprise you" he had the dorkiest smirk on his face.

"Yeah you surprised me alright" I giggled.

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked me and he stretched his arms.

"Well we could watch a movie, or talk about how cute Harry styles butt is?" I giggled.

"Aha I like the first option better and my butt is way cuter then his" he got up and waved his butt in my face, "see".

I started laughing "ok ok, now put that thing away" I pushed him. He sat back beside me and gave a chuckle.

"Anyway I've seen Harry's butt and it's pretty gross" he chuckled making me laugh harder.

"Ok well let's watch a movie then" I got up and grabbed my laptop and went on youtube.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked Thomas and sat down beside him.

"Erm I don't know?" He shrugged.

"Have you seen 17 again?" I asked him and he shook his head. "Ok we are watching it" I typed it up and put it on.

"Wow that was good" he yawned and I nodded.

"Zac looks so hot in it!" I teased and Thomas pouted.

"But your hotter" which made his lips turn into a big grin. I checked my phone and it read 12:47am. "Wow it's really late" I stretched.

"Yeah I better get home now, but I will come over tomorrow" he winked and placed his lips on mine.

"Night tommy" I said as he walked towards the window.

"Night Nattie have a good sleep and good dreams" and with that he jumped out of the window and closed it behind him.

I smiled and rolled onto my side then fell asleep.

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