Chapter fourteen :)

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Chapter fourteen

"Who is it" Ava called as she sat there lazily on the couch.

"It's the pizza man! Who do you bloody think?" Ki Hong yelled as he opened the door.

"Oh hey" Ava sarcastically yelled. Ki Hong rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch. Dylan ran into the room and tackled me.

"Get off! Dylan stop!! Your squishing me! Please get off!" I screamed and wiggled trying to get free of his grip. "Thomas! Thomas!" I yelled as I tried to get him off.

Ava and Ki Hong were trying to push him off me, then Thomas came running into the room wearing a white patterned shirt, black skinny jeans and vans.

"Dylan get off her!" He yelled and pushed him off me. "Are you ok love?" He wrapped his arms around me and I patted a place beside me. He sat beside me and pulled me into his arms.

"I think he broke my ribs" I tried not to laugh, but then the whole room broke out in fits of laughter. "Hey where's Kaya and Will" just on cue Will and Kaya walked into the house and Kaya sat next to me and Will sat next to Ki Hong.

"Where have you two been?" Dylan asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Erm, Will was helping me find my credit card that I left in your car" Kaya shrugged and Will just nodded his head.

"Oh ok" Dylan shrugged.

"Ok so what's the plan for today?" Ki Hong asked as he stretched.

"Well we were thinking of going out to dinner, what do you guys think?" Ava asked.

"Sounds good to me" Kaya nodded.

"Sure" Will said and then we all agreed.

"Ok cool, so that's settled then. Dinner tonight and what do you want to do now?" Thomas asked as he gave me a sweet kiss on my head. Ava winked and mouthed 'I told you so' I gave a laugh and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Ok well why don't we just hang here?" Ki Hong asked.

"Or we could go to my house? I have a pool, we could go for a swim. Or we could play a game of pool or something" I just Shrugged and the boys faces lit up.

"Sounds like a great idea, ok everyone get your stuff we are going to Nat's house" Dylan shouted as he stood up.

"Ok well my swimmers are in the car" Kaya shot up and walked to the door.

"So are mine" Will followed Kaya.

"Tom could I borrow some of yours" Ki Hong asked as he walked up stairs towards Thomas's room. "And me" Dylan followed Ki Hong.

"Go for it" he yelled and then said "I'm going to get dressed, then we can go, also I need to talk to you" he picked me up and carried me to the kitchen. "Natalie I like you a lot, and I know that this might be too soon but would you be my girlfriend" he laughed. "Your actually a huge dork but yes" he placed another kiss on my lips and then carried me back to the couch. He gently placed me down and ran up stairs. Which left me and Ava sitting on the couch together.

She gave me a grin "what?" I shrugged.

"Nothing" she replied and tried not to laugh.

"Seriously what?"

"I told you so" she started laughing really hard causing me to threw a pillow at her.

"Hey, what's going on between Will and Kaya" I asked.

"Nothing they are just friends, what makes you think that?" She asked as she stopped laughing.

"Ok follow me" I got up from the couch and took her by the hand, I dragged her all the way over to the window. I looked through the window and saw Will and Kaya in the car making out.

Ava's eyes widened. "Now do you think they are just friends" I asked and looked at Ava. We both started bursting out in fits of laughter trying to control ourselves. "Ok your right" Ava laughed. "But if they tried to hide it then they wouldn't want anyone knowing so we can't tell anyone" I said. "Yeah true" Ava mumbled and we walked up stairs.

"Ok well I'm going to get changed in my bikinis" Ava walked I to her room and looked through her wardrobe. "Yeah same" I grabbed my bikinis and quickly slid them on. I then chucked my clothes back on. Ava did the same. I grabbed my bags and things and we walked back down stairs.

Thomas, Dylan and Ki Hong were arguing over what kind of pizza is better.

Then Will and Kaya walked through the door and Ava and I looked at each other. We laughed and then Ava asked "are we ready to go" everyone agreed and we walked over to my house.

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