Chapter twenty-seven :)

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Chapter twenty- seven

We said our goodbyes to my parents and we walked out of the house.

"Ok, are you coming in my car?" I asked Thomas and unlocked my car.

"Well, yeah I guess. Cause Ava brought me here." He sniggered.

"Ok, well get in looser were going home!" I giggled. (Get in looser were going shopping! I love mean girls, sorry continue).

Thomas chuckled and got into the passenger seat. I got in the drivers seat and started the car. Then we drove off.

"Nat, you know that I really love you!" Thomas said and cupped his hand around my thigh. That sent tingles up my spine just from his touch.

"I know, and do you that I really love you Sangster!" I replied.

"Really? Wow I didn't know that!" He teased and I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Shut up!" I growled causing a chuckle from him.



I stopped the car in front of our new apartment. I took a deep breath and got out of the car.

Thomas unlocked the front door and switched on the lights.

"Home sweet home." He sighed and sat down on the couch. The apartment was massive, it had a giant flat screen TV, a huge couch. The kitchen was humongous!

"Ok, ok. How did all of my stuff get here?" I asked and looked around the house. My stuff was neatly put away and set up.

"Well when you were gone, Josh and his mates helped me move it in here." Tom giggled.

"Oh smart Sangster! Care to give me a tour?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I'd be honoured to love." He cheekily grinned.


"Ok and this is the last room of the house, this is our room." Tom jumped onto the king sized bed.

"Wow this is massive!" I looked around in the room. My clothes were in the cupboard neatly done and I walked into our en-suite and it was huge. There was a giant shower in the corner of the room and next to it was a bath tub. Then the toilet and basin. There was a large mirror that took up half the hall and a huge makeup shelf and drawer. With all of my makeups and perfumes sitting on top of the shelf.

"This is amazing Tom!" I yelled and ran back to him.

"I know right!" He chuckled and pulled me into a hug.

"Mr Sangster you have out done yourself!" I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Well I'm glad that you like it Mrs Sangster" he grinned widely and kissed my forehead.

"Can I just ask, where did you put my undergarments?" I looked at him with a confused look on my face.

"Oh, they are in that drawer." He pointed to my white bedside table that had 6 drawers.

"I put them there because Josh's friends kept looking at it and whistling and stuff." He sighed and I giggled.

"Awww is little tommy jealous?" I said in a babies voice.

"No!" He pouted and scrunched up his nose.

"Oh, ok." I giggled and kissed his nose.

"I'm going to have a shower." I said and got up.

"Awwwww ok." Thomas whined.

I giggled and walked into the bathroom. I stripped and got into the shower.


I got changed into my undergarments and an oversized The Beatles shirt. I took out my hair and let it flow down my back.

Thomas walked into the room wearing only boxers. He had a glass of water in one hand and a DVD in the other.

"Care to watch a movie with me?" He grinned and I nodded. He put on the movie and I laid down in bed.

"What movie is it?" I asked.

"Friday the 13th." He grinned and pulled me into him.

"Yay! I love horror movies!" I put as much sarcasm into it as possible. I'm not a big fan of them but I do quite enjoy a good thrilling.

Thomas just chuckled at my response and pressed play. I snuggled my head deep into his chest and he grabbed me by the waist and held me. I traced my fingers along his muscular toned body.

"That tickles love" he flinched and I giggled.

"Sorry" I retorted and he laced our fingers together.


"Wow that will indeed give me nightmares...." I shook my head at Thomas and he laughed.

"Sorry love, you can pick out your movie tomorrow. How does that sound?" He pushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"That sounds good!" I smiled and rolled over to my side.

"Hey what about my good night kiss?" I rolled over and faced him. I pecked his lips and rolled back over. Thomas snaked his arms around my waist and I instantly felt relaxed and safe. I shut my eyes and feel asleep, dreaming of Thomas.


Guys I will update later on tonight because I am going SHOPPING and after that I'm going out to dinner!!!! YAYYYYYY lol anyway....

Please comment what you thought. It probably sucks but anyway.... Bye xx

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