Chapter seven :)

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Chapter seven

I must have fell asleep and someone carried me to my bed because I woke up in my bed. I got out my phone from my bedside table it was about 10:47am and I had a couple of messages.

You were asleep, so I carried you to bed :)
- Tom

Oh and also I put my number in your phone.... If you were wondering ;)
- Tom

I started texting him back:

Oh ok, thank you :)
- Nat

A few seconds later:

No problems, hey I was wondering if you wanted to come over?
- Tom

Sure, I'd love to. I just gotta get changed
- Nat

Ok awesome and apparently your parents are going to watch my parents perform or something? :/
- Tom

Yeah, aha well I will just be home with Josh and his girl friend.
- Nat

Sounds like fun! Aha, we you can stay at mine till your parents come back home if you want?
- Tom

Sure, ok well see you soon
- Nat

Ok bye
- Tom

I turned on my phone and walked to my shower. I had a shower and put on some denim high waisted shorts, a cardigan and a white crop top. I put on some pearl earrings and did my hair in a messy high pony tail.

I applied some make up, just simple makeup: foundation, mascara, liquid eyeliner and a shade of pink lipstick. I slipped on my white converse and grabbed my phone, purse and wallet.

I walked into Josh's room, "hey Josh I'm going to Tom's house for a while" I told him as he sat on his bed with Emily.

"Ooo Nat an Tom sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Emily teased and I swatted her on the back lightly. She giggled uncontrollably and then snuggled up to Josh and turned on a movie.

"Ok, go and have fun with him but not too much fun" he winked and I poked my tongue out and held up my middle finger. "Go die in a hole" I walked out of his room. "I love you too Nattie" he said in a baby's voice.

I chuckled and walked down stairs. I shut the door behind me and walked over to Tom's house. I knocked on his door and he yelled "I'm cominggggg" I laughed and a tall, dirty blonde haired boy stood at the door.

"Good morning Nat, come one in" he opened the door and made a hand gesture as for me to come in. "My parents aren't here and Ava is probably still asleep" he shut the door.

"No I'm not I'm awake" Ava stood at the stairs wearing a onsie. Her hair was all messed up, she rubbed her eyes and made her way down stairs. "What's for dinner?" She asked as she gave me a hug. "Dinner?" Thomas questioned. "I mean breakfast, you know what I mean" she chuckled and we laughed.

"Oh ok and yeah ummm, I don't know? Eat what ever you want ever" he said as he opened the fridge.

"We have bacon, eggs, tomatoes, bagels, mushrooms... I don't know eat one of them" he said and shut the fridge. "Can you make me it pleassseee" Ava pouted and begged. "I don't know how to cook" he shrugged. "Here I'll do it" I smiled and got all the ingredients out of the fridge.

"What would you like on your bagel?" I asked the both of them. "I will have bacon, eggs, tomato and mushroom please" Ava hugged me. "Sure and Tom what would you like?" I washed the tomatoes and cut it.

"Umm I will have what ever your going to eat, please?" He smiled. "Erm ok" I smiled and started making the food. While the two of them sat at the kitchen bench watching me.

Once I was done I placed their food on a plate and sat it down in front of them. "This looks delicious Natalie Oh my gosh!" Ava yelled and clapped her hands together.

She took a bite and started moaning. "Oh my god Nat I want to marry this! This is the best bagel I have ever eaten!" Ava yelled as she took more bites. I chuckled and began to slowly eat mine. "Oh my gosh! Ava is right! This is the best bagel ever!" Thomas yelled as he brought me into a hug.

"I'm glad you like it" I hugged back then released. "I don't like it, I love it!" Ava yelled again. I chuckled and we ate all of our food.

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