Chapter twenty- eight :)

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Chapter twenty- eight :)

I flickered my eyes open and turned to face a sleeping Thomas. I giggled at the sight of him and started fiddling with his hair. He's so cute when he sleeps. He looks younger then what he already is.

"I see your awake." He said without opening his eyes.

"Oh, sorry." I pulled my hand away and got out of bed. I walked down to the kitchen and filled the kettle with water. I took 2 cups out of the cupboard and put a tea bag into them. Once the water was ready I poured it into the mugs and added 2 tea spoons of sugar and a little bit of milk.

I then walked back upstairs with the mugs and sat one of them down on Thomas's bedside table and the other one on mine. I slipped back into bed and took my phone out. I began to text Kaya and Ava on group chat:

Hey, do you want to come over for breakfast?
- Nat

I will b there in 10 mins :)
- Ava

IM COMINGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Don't eat anything yet!
- Kaya

Kk cool but I moved out of my house and now I'm in an apartment with Tom
- Nat

We know where it is dw! And yayyyyyyy u and Thomas r cool!
- Kaya

There more then cool! THEY R MARRIED!
- Ava

- Kaya

- Nat

- Ava

I laughed at the messages and turned it off.

"Who was that?" Thomas rubbed his eyes.

"Kaya and Ava, they are coming over for breakfast. you can invite Will, Dyl and Ki if you want too?" I looked at him. "Also your teas there." I pointed to his cup.

"Your the best! I love you so much!" He pulled me into a kiss and then took out his phone and started ringing them.

"I love you so much too!" I giggled.
I laughed and pecked his lips again before walking down stairs. I pulled out some eggs, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, parsley, pancake mixture and lots of other stuff.

I began to make an omelet and pancakes.


I set all of the food down onto the table and just in time Ava came running through the door still wearing her unicorn pyjamas. Followed by her was Kaya in a long football jersey, she was holding Wills hand, Will was wearing sweat pants and a football shirt. Then Dylan bolted through the door with Ki Hong both wearing telly tubby onesies.

They all made their way and sat at the huge dinning table. I laughed at the sight and put the food and drinks onto the table.

The boys instantly dogged into their meals and Ava and Kaya took their time getting their food.

"Thomas! Breakfast!" I called for Thomas and a few seconds later a tired Thomas came running down the stairs.

"Babe, your shirts on back to front." I whispered into his ear and giggled.

"What?" He looked down and shrugged. "Oh, well" he chuckled and pecked my lips. Thomas took a seat beside Ki and I sat beside Ava.

We all started eating, then they all started asking me questions and congratulating Thomas and I.

"So when are you getting married?" Kaya asked excitedly.

"I dunno." I shrugged.

"Well you should! Also Will and I want you guys to be our best women and men! Nat and Ava I want you to be my bridesmaids! We are going to have it next month. We have planned it through and now we are just doing the clothes and music and food." Kaya yelled.

"I'd love to Kaya!" I yelled and pulled her into a hug.

"Yayyyyyyyy! I've never been a bridesmaid! I've been a flower girl but that's a differnt story......" She trailed of and hugged Kaya.

"You boys are my groomsmaids! Ok and you are all my best men!" Will chuckled.

"Yayyyyy!" Dylan and Ki Hong yelled and clapped there hands.

"Awesome!" Thomas yelled.


"Ok what about this dress?" Ava showed as a picture of a light blue bridesmaid dress. We were looking for bridesmaid dresses.

"No too blue." Kaya retorted.


After 30 minutes of searching for dresses we finally found them.

"Ok, well that's sorted."

"Let's watch a movie!" Ava yelled and turned on a movie. She put mean girls and for the rest of the day we watched romantic comedies and adventure time.

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